Cards (11)

  • Who set the rules for insanity?
    M’Naghten Rules
  • For what offences can you use the defence of insanity?
    All offences except strict liability
  • What factors are insanity used for?
  • What is the standard of proof?
    Balance of probability
  • What is the sentence for insanity?
    Hospital order (most of the time) but could be anything
  • What is the verdict?
    Not guilty by reason of insanity
  • What is the 1st rule of insanity?
    A defect of reason - the D’s powers of reason must be impaired
    mere forgetfulness is not enough - Clarke
  • What is the 2nd rule?
    disease of the mind - mental or physical that affects the mind
    Kemp - must impact the mind not brain
    Sullivan - epilepsy comes within the rules of insanity
  • What is the 3rd rule?
    This caused the D to not know the nature and quality of his act: physical act (actus reus)
    1. State of unconsciousness
    Kemp - hardening of arteries
    Burgess - sleepwalking
    Hennessy - not taking his insulin
  • 2. Not aware it is legally wrong
    Windle - ‘I suppose they will hang me for this’ - he knew his actions were legally wrong