Requirement analysis in Software development is important as it helps to meet the needs of the clients and end-users and not just their wants.
Requirement analysis in software development involves understanding the problem they need to solve, and the tasks they need to accomplish with the software.
Software development must start with a quality set of software requirements, which are later planned, designed, implemented, and tested
A requirement is a software capability needed by the user to solve a problem or to achieve an objective.
All stakeholders in a project must achieve a common understating of what the product will be and do.
Requirement analysis
Eliciting Requirements: the task of communicating with customers and users to determine what their requirements are.
Requirements Modelling: Requirements might be documented in various forms.
Analysing Requirements: determining whether the stated requirements are unclear, incomplete, ambiguous, or contradictory, and then resolving these issues.
Review and Retrospective: Team members reflect on what happened in the iteration
There are 2 types of requirements. Functional requirements (capabilities/features that the system must have) and non-functional requirements (constraints that the new system must meet)
Properties of a requirement:
Unambiguous: Documentation must be clear and everyone must be able to understand.
Comprehensive: Steps must be clear and precise
Prioritised: Be realistic of what can you can do and prioritise the important things first
Verifiable: project must be able to be verified
Steps of requirement analysis: 1. Gather detailed information
Talk to users of new system or similar systems
Read documentations on existing system
Develop expertise in business area of the system
Collect technical information (computers and stuff)
Steps of required analysis: 2. Identify Functional requirements
System requirement that describes what the system must perform
Typically, it is needed to support business processes
Steps of required analysis: 3. Identify non-functional requirements
Constraints or characteristics expected from the system.
Typically includes Performance, usability, reliability, security.
Steps of required analysis: 4. Prioritise requirements
Manage users requests according to user needs, urgency, complexity, estimated efforts needed.
Balance between limitation of resources vs user needs.
Scope creep: the tendency for a function list to grow in a uncontrolled manner.
Steps of required analysis: 5. Evaluate requirements
Evaluate requirements with user till an acceptable requirement model is developed.
Evaluate all possibilities in the design and implementation of system
Validate the accuracy and correctness of requirements
Process is iterative
Techniques for requirement gathering:
Questioning, Observing, Researching, Modelling
Good questions initiate process
Questions center around three themes.
What are business processes?
How is the business process performed?
What information is required?
Techniques for requirement Gathering - Interview users and other stakeholders:
Most widely used fact-finding technique
Types of questions involved: Mixture of open and close ended questions.
Effective way to understand business functions and business rules
Time-consuming and requires further rework on the interview information gathered.
When to use: Require in-depth information on new/existing system.
Techniques for requirement gathering - Distribute and collect questionnaires.
Typically includes close-ended question and opinions questions.
Explanation of procedure or problem
Economical for large group which supports distributed geographical location
Hard to construct good questions and constraint to research further.
When to use: Input from large number of people who are geographically dispersed.
Techniques for requirement Gathering - Review inputs, outputs, and documentation
2 Sources of information
External to the organisation
Industry journals and magazines report the findings of "best practices" studies
Existing business documents and procedure descriptions within the organisation
Gets preliminary understanding of the processes
Serves as visual aids
Allow analysts to get an understanding of the organisation before meeting the users.
Documents may not match up to actual operations or outdated.
When to use: in the initial stages when an analyst is unfamiliar
Techniques for requirement Gathering - Observe and Document Business Processes
Diagram all information gathered into workflows
create activity diagrams (Identify activities, relationships between activities, personnel responsible for the activities)
First-hand experience in system operations allowing validation of information and business performance.
Can be intrusive with information confidentiality issue
When to use: gather quantitative data about business and validation of conflicting information provided.
Techniques for requirement Gathering - Building Effective Prototypes
It is an initial, look alike model with limited features of a real production system
Discovery prototype
model created to verify concept and discarded
Evolving prototype
working model that grows and may become part of system
example of final product for viewing only, not executable
Techniques for requirement Gathering - Building Effective Prototypes
Time and cost saving
Inaccurate user requirements can be discovered earlier with greater user involvement
Too much time spent on prototype rather than analysis.
When to use: Projects with high interactivity with users.
Techniques for requirement Gathering - Research Vendor Solution
Provides a platform for learning from past experiences
Cheaper and less risky to buy a solution rather than to build it
Features to support business is general and a lot of companies find out that they only support half the functions that were needed after purchase
When to use: Features to support business is general and nothing too specific.