Divine command-Whatever God has revealed about how to behave in scripture, this must always be followed
Natural moral law-Nature has revealed to us what is the right way to behave, this should always be followed
Conscience-if this has been informed by absolute rules from scripture or the church, then it will tell you to follow these, regardless of the situation
Crime is caused by tanha (craving) which leads to the three poisons - anger, greed and delusion. Crime is when people commit unskilful acts which are motivated by these
Ministers for their religion (e.g. vicar, Imam, Rabbi) or non-religious chaplains (e.g. Humanist) who are responsible for caring for the spiritual and other needs of prisoners
Reasons why liberal Christians and Catholic Christians do not agree with the death penalty
Only God can end life, "The days allotted to me are recorded in your book"
"You shall not kill" is a clear message from the 10 commandments
Jesus stopped the adulterous woman being stoned to death and said "go and sin no more", overturning "eye for an eye"
In 2018 Pope Francis changed the Catholic teaching on the death penalty, banning its use as it is "an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person"
Matthew 6:14-15: '"If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins."'
Differences amongst Christians concerning the way to forgiveness
Catholics believe forgiveness comes through confession and religious acts, while Evangelical Christians believe forgiveness is granted by God and reliant upon faith