Cards (17)

  • Hazard
    Event or process, either natural or human-made that can cause harm to people, their belongings, and their environment, if they do not take precautions
  • Disaster
    Serious disruptions to the functioning of a community that exceeds its capacity to cope using its resources. Can be caused by natural, man-made, and technological hazards, as well as various factors that influence the exposure and vulnerability of a community
  • Vulnerability
    Conditions that make people, communities, cities, or countries, more likely than others to experience the harmful effects of a hazard
  • Exposure
    The situation of people, infrastructure, housing, production capacities and other tangible human assets located in hazard-prone areas
  • Risk
    Likelihood and severity of hazardous events
  • Capacity
    All the strengths, resources, and ideas that people in the community have to protect themselves and their belongings against the effects of a disaster
  • Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
    Policy objective of reducing risk
  • Disaster Risk management (DRm)

    Describes actions that aim to achieve the objective of reducing risk
  • The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 coordinates disaster risk reduction, and ensures synergies among the relevant activities of United Nations agencies and regional organizations, and related activities in socio-economic and humanitarian fields
  • The Philippine Disaster Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) is a comprehensive, all-hazard, multi-sectoral, inter-agency, and community-based approach to disaster risk management through the formulation of the National Disaster Risk Management Framework
  • Local Impacts of DRRM

    • Reduced loss of life and property
    • Enhanced community preparedness and response
    • Reducing vulnerability to disasters
  • Global Impacts of DRRM

    • Minimized economic losses
    • Reduced loss of lives
  • Root Causes and Contributors to the Need for DRRM

    • Geographical location
    • Climate change
    • Urbanization
    • Poverty and inequality
    • Environmental degradation
    • Population growth
    • Inadequate governance and planning
  • Direct and Indirect Effects of DRRM on Ecosystems and Wildlife
    • Habitat destruction and fragmentation
    • Displacement and mortality
    • Pollution and contamination
    • Disruption of ecosystem processes
    • Habitat restoration and connectivity
    • Ecosystem resilience and adaptation
    • Biodiversity conservation
    • Ecosystem services provision
  • Direct and Indirect Effects of DRRM on Human Health

    • Injury and mortality
    • Exposure to hazardous materials
    • Disruption of healthcare systems
    • Mental health and psychosocial impacts
    • Communicable disease outbreaks
    • Chronic health conditions
  • Case Studies
    • Landslide in La Trinidad, Benguet
    • Earthquakes in Mindanao
    • Wildfire in Dadia National Park, Greece
    • Tornado in Madison, Tennessee
    • Flooding in Mororo, Kenya
  • Disaster Management Programs
    • Prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural or man-made disasters effectively
    • Implementing strategies that enhance preparedness, response, and recovery efforts