Stage 3 - Period of Crustal Uplift Caused by Isostatic Rebound and Block Faulting
1. The crustal uplift due to isostatic rebound and block faulting
2. Isostatic rebound is exhibited when the crust bends the lithosphere into the asthenosphere causing the lower layer to flow out of the way
3. The crust will then sink until it reaches its buoyancy point
4. Through the erosional force the surface materials are removed, and weight of the crust becomes less, thus the continental crust makes an isostatic adjustment causing it to float higher into the mantle
5. This stage also causes block-faulting, in which the tensional force exists in a horizontal direction and breaks the continental crust into pieces of smaller blocks
6. Each fault block moves vertically and in different orientation and elevation to compensate for the tensional force and eventually produce normal and graben faults