Radiograph (defines extent of discontinuity or displacement)
Plain radiograph
CT-scan facial 3D reconstruction
Treatment of lateral midface fracture
Observe (undisplaced, asymptomatic fracture)
Surgery (reduction and fixation using miniplates, intraosseous wiring or both) (displaced, symptomatic fracture)
Central midface fractures
Le Fort fractures - types of facial fractures involving the maxillary bone and surrounding structures
Types of Le Fort fractures
Le Fort I (Guerin) - extends from the pyriform aperture through the lateral maxillary and lateral nasal walls to the posterior region
Le Fort II (Pyramidal) - extends from the pterygoid region, zygomaticomaxillary buttress, medial portion on the infraorbital rim, lacrimal bone, medial wall of the orbit towards the dorsum
Le Fort III (Craniofacial Dysjunction) - entire mass of the facial bones is separated from the cranial base
Symptoms of central midface fractures
Le Fort I: Swelling of the upper lip, malocclusion, mobile palate
Le Fort II: Edema of the midface, epistaxis, CSF rhinorrhea, diplopia, dish face deformity, bilateral subconjuctival hemorrhage
Le Fort III: Tenderness on the fronto-zygomatic suture, lengthening of the face, depression of ocular levels, enopthalmos, diplopia