Industrial revolution

Cards (13)

  • the glorious revolution of 1688 :
    The bill of rights granted citizens stronger rights, allowing innovators to hold patents and benefit from their innovations, abolishing monopolies, thus incentivizing innovation.
  • coal:
    • british coal was discovered places near coast,
    • it was easy to extract and transport
    • coal was used to fuel for many steam engines
  • the age of reason-industrial enlightment-1780-1820
    • innovators and thinkers were allowed to discuss their ideas freely
    • the british navy: was to defend the seas and the business interest of private entrepeneurs
  • incentive
    1. something that encourages a person to do something
  • patent:
    1. a license that gives exclusive and sole rights to an inventor to use or sell an invention.
  • Monopoly
    • the exclusive possession or control for trading in(or supplying)
  • Positive effects of the industrial revolution
    • innovation-ideas were exhanged,developed and transformed into solutions for the benefit of the society.
  • Positive effects of the industrial revolution
    Commercial centres were established this led to migration from rural areas as pepople loked for employment
  • New institutions were established eg banks and the stock exchnage
  • Positive effects of the industrial revolution
    a new middle class society emerged
    • with their surplus income they could afford luxuries
    • this supported trade
    • this increased the trade in those commodities
  • there was also increased trade as more traders opened shops to sell goods and services
  • the industrial revolution was during the 1760s to 1860