The role of Catholic Church in interfaith dialogue

Cards (26)

  • Interfaith dialogue

    Communication, discussion and collaboration between people of different faiths and no faiths, including Humanists and Atheists, to find shared aims and common ground and move forward in cooperation
  • Interfaith dialogue

    • Tries to overcome barriers between people of different faiths and reduce conflict in society for the mutual benefit of all people
    • Attempts to build social cohesion by promoting commonality and inclusivity
  • The law in the UK protects an individual's right to religious freedom
  • Effective interfaith dialogue respects this by trying to ensure that people can practise their faith safely in society where their beliefs and traditions are respected and tolerated
  • The work of groups like the Interfaith Network promotes understanding, cooperation and good relationships between faiths so that social cohesion is possible
  • Gaudium et Spes 29: 'Every type of discrimination, whether social or cultural discrimination whether based on sex, race, colour, social condition, language or religion is to be overcome and eradicated as contrary to God's intent.'
  • Christianity is the main religion in the UK; other religious and non-religious traditions include Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, Humanism and Atheism
  • The UK is a multi-faith society, as well as a multi-ethnic society
  • Britain has always had people of many faiths and ethnicities as part of its population
  • Britain has been invaded by numerous groups, such as the Romans, Saxons and Vikings, and each has had an influence on the religious and ethnic composition of the UK
  • Many people from the British Empire and later the Commonwealth countries also moved to Britain
  • Britain has also become home to refugees from many different countries due to wars that have occurred over the centuries
  • Positives of living in a multi-faith society

    • People can become more tolerant and understanding as they experience different religions
    • Misconceptions about different religions can be corrected
    • Interfaith events can unite people of different faiths in one community
  • Challenges of living in a multi-faith society

    • Minority religions or ethnicities can experience racism and discrimination
    • Fear of a religious group based on misunderstanding can lead to violence and terrorism
    • Religious extremism can lead some people to be more intolerant of mainstream religions
    • Religious or ethnic groups may be blamed for problems in society
  • One of the roles of the Catholic Church is to promote interfaith dialogue
  • Imago Dei

    All people are created in the image of God regardless of their religion and as a result they have the right to be treated with dignity
  • The Catholic Church teaches that every person has the sanctity of life, therefore their human rights, including their right to freely practise the religion of their choice must be upheld
  • Interfaith dialogue for Catholics
    A way of showing love for all and respect for different religions
  • The Second Vatican Council argued the need for better relationships with Jews and Muslims, and as a result, the Church has stressed interfaith dialogue as essential to finding universal truths which are shared by all religions
  • The Catholic Church teaches that it alone holds the whole truth, but it believes other religions do have some truths and acknowledging these is important for building good relationships and ending religious intolerance and discrimination
  • Redemptoris Missio 55: 'The Church gladly acknowledges whatever is true and holy in the religious traditions of Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.'
  • The Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) works to promote interfaith dialogue and social harmony by encouraging Christian unity and good relations with other religions
  • Examples of the CBCEW's work

    • Encouraging remembrance of the Holocaust
    • Organising visits where Catholic bishops are welcomed into other places of worship to promote tolerance and pray for peace across religions
    • Hosting the Benedict XVI lectures, where key figures from different faiths are invited to speak
    • Providing resources such as the podcast series In Their Own Words, where people from nine different religions talk about their faith
  • Pope Francis actively encourages interfaith dialogue as he believes this is a way to recognise each person's special value and dignity
  • In 2019 Pope Francis travelled to Abu Dhabi and addressed over 700 people representing Islam, Judaism, Christianity and other faiths, stating that religions, in particular, cannot renounce the urgent task of building bridges between peoples and cultures
  • Nostra Aetate 2: 'The Church therefore, urges her sons to enter with prudence and charity into discussion and collaboration with members of other religions.'