Cards (17)

  • Sales Letter- Since the purpose is to get the
    reader to do something, these
    letters include strong calls to
    action, detail the benefit to the
    reader of taking the action and
    include information to help the
    reader to act, such as including a
    telephone number or website link
  • Description of Product or Service- Include specific details about the
    item or service you are offering.
    Consider identifying a possible
    solution this product or service
    provides to the recipient to best
    demonstrate its value.
  • Cost- Some letters include information
    about the price of the product or
    service, especially if the buyer is a
    current patron. It may be included if
    the cost was already discussed in a
    previous meeting as well.
  • Call to action- Include directions to the reader
    explaining how they should take
    action if they want to buy. You may
    include your contact information,
    the best times to reach you and a
    date by which they should reply to
    take advantage of your offer.
  • Order letters- are sent by
    consumers or businesses to a
    manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler
    to order goods or services.
  • Order Letter- These letters must contain specific
    information such as model number,
    name of the product, the quantity
    desired and expected price.
  • Request Letter- This letter is asking for information
    about products and services
    offered by a certain business. The
    request must be straightforward
    and specific.
  • Supporting Documentation- If applicable, include evidence or
    other documentation related to
    your request. For example, if you
    are requesting a recommendation,
    it could be helpful to attach your
    resume so they can quickly refresh
    their memory with your
  • Business letters- can be written to
    employees or managers, as well as
    clients and prospective customers.
    Business letters must be targeted
    to a specific individual or group,
    have a clear and concise purpose,
    be convincing and end with a
    specific objective, like a meeting
  • Heading- Companies usually use printed
    paper where heading or letterhead
    is specially designed at the top of
    the sheet. It bears all the
    necessary information about the
    organization’s identity.
  • Date- The month should be fully spelled
    out and the year written with all
    four digits (October 12, 2022). The
    date is aligned with the return
    address. In the body of the letter,
    however, the article is written when
    the name of the month is not
    mentioned with the day.
  • Inside Address- In a business or formal letter you
    should give the address of the
    recipient after your own address.
    Include the recipient's name,
    company, address and postal
    code. Add job title if appropriate.
    Separate the recipient's name and
    title with a comma.
  • Salutation- depends on
    your relationship with the recipient.
    It normally begins with the word
    "Dear" and always includes the
    person's last name. Use every
    resource possible to address your
    letter to an actual person.
  • Subject Line- Its inclusion can help the recipient
    in dealing successfully with the
    aims of your letter. Normally the
    subject sentence is preceded with
    the word Subject: or Re: Subject
    line may be emphasized by
    underlining, using bold font, or all
    capital letters.
  • body- is where you explain why
    you’re writing. It’s the main part of
    the business letter. Make sure the
    receiver knows who you are and
    why you are writing.
  • Complimentary Close- This short, polite closing ends
    always with a comma. It is either at
    the left margin or its left edge is in
    the center, depending on the
    Business Letter Style that you use.
    It begins at the same column the
    heading does.
  • Cover Letter- When you are applying for a new job, it is very important for you to craft an effective cover letter and make changes in
    your resume to suit the company you’re applying to.