
Cards (15)

  • Diabetes is characterized by hyperglycemia and abnormal insulin production.
  • In type 1 diabetes person cannot produce insulin while in type 2 diabetes, there is abnormal absorption of insulin
  • Prediabetes
    • OGTT 2hr is 140-199
    • Fasting glucose is 100-125
    • Person is asymptomatic and needs hgbA1c screening and lifestyle changes
  • Clinical manifestations of diabetes are polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, prolonged wound healing, visual problems
  • Insulin Therapy
    • Rapid Acting insulin (aspart, lispro): onset (10-30 minutes); peak (1 hour); duration (3-5 hours)
    • Short Acting Insulin (Regular): onset (30 minutes - 1 hour); peak (2-3 hours); duration (5-8 hours)
    • Intermediate (NPH): onset (1.5-4 hours); peak (4-12 hours); duration (12-18 hours)
    • Long-Acting Insulin (glargine, degludec, detemir): onset (45 minutes - 4 hours); peak (no peak); duration (16-24 hours)
  • Oral Diabetic Medication
    • Metglinides: Take before eating; SE's causes weight gain
    • Biguanides: (Ex: metformin) SE's causes lactic acidosis. Do not use 1-2 days before and after dye study
    • Sulfonuryeas: (Ex: glipizide, glyburide) Take 30 minutes before meals. SE's weight gain, hypoglycemia
    • A Glucosidase Inhibitor (Ex: acarbose, migitol) Take with the first bite of food. SE's causes GI distress
  • When blood sugar is >250, person has DKA. This happens mostly in patients with Type 1 diabetes
  • Signs of DKA include sweet fruity breath due to ketones, Kussmaul respirations, tachycardia, dehydration, fever
  • When blood sugar is >600, person has HHS. THis happens mostly in patient with Typer 2 diabtes
  • Signs of HHS include dehydration, fever, tachycardia, coma, seizures, hemiparesis
  • Treatment for DKA and HHS
    • ensure patent airway first
    • Give IVF until urine output is 0.3mL/hr
    • Correct electrolyte imbalance
    • Give short acting insulin
  • Signs of hypoglycemia include cold clammy skin, tremors, neuroglycopenia, tachycardia, coma, and headache
  • Check blood sugar every 3-4 hours when you have acute illness and drink noncaloric fluids
  • Acanthosis nigricans is light brown thickening of the skin in the neck and armpit
  • Treatment of neuropathy includes using medications such as antidepressants and pregabalin