Job Discrimination + Affirmative Action

Cards (6)

  • Affirmative Action
    • Programs that address employment imbalances caused by past discrimination by considering the race or sex of employees or job candidates
  • What does Affirmative Action Include and Exclude?
    • Include: hiring or promoting women or African Americans
    • Exclude: rigid quotas or unqualified hiring
  • What Role does the Supreme Court play in a Business?
    • They set the legal context in which a business operates and lets employers know what they are and are not legally permitted to do
    • This is why their position on affirmative action is crucial
    • Moral issues also influence their decisions
  • What are 3 Arguments AGAINST Affirmative Action?
    1. Affirmative action injures white men and infringes their rights
    2. Affirmative action itself violates the principle of equality
    3. Non-Discrimination will achieve our social goals therefore, stronger affirmative action is unnecessary
  • What do Critics of Affirmative Action say?
    • They often label it "reverse discrimination," but this term is misleading. Because...
    • Job Discrimination involves prejudice, inaccurate stereotypes, or the assumption that a group is inferior
  • Inference
    • A thought transition where the first thought is used as evidence or justification for the second thought
    • Moving from one thought to another