
Cards (3)

  • banquo is similar is Macbeth in that they both have ambitious thoughts, however Banquo demonstrates restraint as he doesn’t act upon these desires. The character of Banquo is the opposite of Macbeth, s he represents the route that Macbeth chose not to take. The path where ambition doesn’t lead to betrayal and murder. Thus it is Banquo‘s ghost, rather than Duncans, that haunts him.
  • Shakespeare uses the constructs ofMacbeth and Banquo to show how men can react when shown temptation. Banquo is portrayed as Macbeth’s foil and is therefore symbolic of man’s ability to resist temptation.
  • when can seethe difference between Macbeth and Banquo when we observe their reactions to the whitches’ prophecies. Macbeth is “rapt withal” which bears connotations of being entranced and absorbed by the whitches. However, Banquo will “neither beg nor fear your favours nor your hate“ as he is indifferent to their prophecies.