Cards (99)

  • United States of America
    Who made the first ever and the oldest written constitution?
  • July 1789
    US ratified their first Constitutions and instituted it as the supreme law of the land on?
  • People who led the crafting of the Constitution document:
    Thomas Jefferson
    George Washington
    Benjamin Franklin
    James Madison
    Alexander Hamilton
  • Constitutions
    may be classified as written or unwritten or codified or uncodified
  • Constitutions
    "Sets out the formal structure of the state specifying the powers and institutions of central government, and its balance with central authority."
  • Main purpose of Constitutions is to establish the basic rights of citizens and in so doing creates limits on and duties for government.
  • Constitution of Biak-na-bato
    A provisionary constitution during the Philippine Revolution
  • November 1, 1897
    When did the Constitution of Biak-na-bato promulgated?
  • Isabelo Artacho and Felix Ferrer
    Who wrote the Constitution of Biak-na-bato?
  • Jimaguaya
    Biak-na-bato was derived from constitution of Cuba called?
  • Emilio Aguilnaldo and Fernando Primo de Rivera
    Biak-na-bato signed by?
  • The Organs of the Government
    1. Supreme Council
    2. Supreme Council of Grace and Justice
    3. Assembly of Representatives
  • Supreme Council
    headed by president and 4 department secretaries
  • Supreme Council of Grace and Justice
    they make the decisions dictates rules for administration.
  • Assembly of Representatives

    convened after the resolution to create new constitution
  • How can a constitution be change/amend?
    1. People's Initiative
    2. Constituent Assembly
    3. Constitutional Convention
  • People's Initiative
    The people directly propose changes to the constitution.
  • 12%
    How many percent that people directly propose changes the constitution?
  • Constituent Assembly
    simple vote of majority of members.
  • 3/4
    How many votes in constituent assembly in order to change the constitution.
  • Constitutional Convention can be called by 2/3 of congress.
  • Never Implemented since the Pact of Biak-na-bato was signed between Spanish and Philippine Revolutionary Army.
  • September 17, 1898
    Malolos Congress elected members composed of wealthy and educated men.
  • November 29, 1898
    when did Malolos constitutions approved by Congress?
  • January 21, 1899
    When did Aguinaldo promulgated with the title?
  • The Political Constitution of 1899
    what is the title of the promulgated by Aguinaldo?
  • Felipe Calderon
    Who pattern after Spanish Constitution of 1812
  • Title III Article 5
    What article of the Malolos Constitution says that "The State recognizes the freedom and equality of all beliefs, as well as the Separation of Church and State."
  • Salient Features in Malolos Cons:
    1. Called for creation of an assembly of Representatives to act as legislative body
    2. . President was elected for a term of 4 years
    3. established a democratic republication government with three branches.
  • December 10, 1898 - March 24, 1934
    Philippine was a US colony
  • Passed (2) Acts:
    1. Philippine Organic Act of 1902
    2. Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916
  • Tydings-Mcduffie Act of 1934
    What is the 3rd act in Acts of the US Congress 1902-1934?
  • Philippine Organic Act of 1902
    Also known as "Philippine Bill 1902" or Cooper Act
  • Specified that legislative power vested in a Bicameral Legislature:
    1. Philippine Commission
    2. Philippine Assembly
  • Appointment of 2 Filipino resident commissioner:
    1. Pablo Ocampo
    2. Benito Legarda
  • Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916
    Also known as "Jones Law" which removed the Philippine Commission replacing it with a Senate elected by Filipino
  • William Atkinson Jones
    who sponsored the Jones Law?
  • In Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916, Independence can be granted as long as stable government can be established.
  • Wood-Forbes Mission
    was a Fact-finding sent to the Philippines by newly elected U.S. president.
  • Warren Harding
    Who is the newly U.S. elected president who sent fact-finding in the Philippines in March 1921.