
Cards (30)

  • Cultural Feminism
    The view that there is a "female nature" or "female essence", attempts to revalue and redefine attributes ascribed to femaleness
  • Markets are always imperfect, and the impact of economic activity on the environment depends on which imperfect-market method of environmental management is being used
  • Economic activity is so extensive that it produces environmental change at the global level
  • Cultural Feminism
    Theories that commend innate differences between women and men
  • Economic growth necessarily stresses the environment
  • Praxeology
    An approach to economics that can be seen as exemplary of a hermeneutical approach
  • Attitudes and beliefs probably have their greatest independent effects over the long-term, on the time scale of human generations or more
  • The global environment responds to the actions of markets, governments, and the international political economy
  • Economics
    Attempts to explain economic behavior, which arises when scarce resources are exchanged
  • Economics
    Regarded as a social science because it uses scientific methods to build theories that can help explain the behavior of individuals, groups and organizations
  • New Institutionalism
    A methodological approach in the study of political science, economics, organizational behavior, and sociology
  • Psychoanalysis has a mixed reputation as a source of political understanding
  • Economic Model
    This model of psychoanalysis played a great role in the conception of the flow of energy in the human mind and how different drives tend to satisfy our instincts whereas others don't
  • Social structures create institutional and socio-cultural conditions that either support or hamper measures
  • Social Location

    Takes into account many factors and is critical to locating the person, relationship, society, and culture itself in time and place
  • New Institutionalism
    Combined the interests of traditionalist scholars, who focused on studying formal institutional rules and structures, with behaviorist scholars, who examined the actions of individual political actors
  • Psychoanalysis can contribute in the sphere of economics - since they are two sciences that perpass the social/human relations - going beyond the conceptions of conscience, considering the unconscious character that transpasses the actions of the inserted subjects in a society
  • Institutional Economics
    Focuses on understanding the role of the evolutionary process and the role of institutions in shaping economic behavior
  • Rational Choice Theory
    Often dominates across behavioral economics but there are many economists who also study irrational choices
  • Positive Theory
    In this theory, rational choice is increasingly criticized for its failure to construct a model
  • Natural landscape
    Original landscapes that exist before it is acted upon by human culture
  • Phenomenology
    Refers to a person's perception of the meaning of an event, as opposed to the event as it exists externally to (outside of) that person
  • Hermeneutics
    In the study of literary texts, scholars frequently adhere to a set of rules or a specific system on which to base their interpretation
  • Environment
    A complex of many variables which surrounds man as well as the living organisms
  • Lived Space
    The existential theme that refers us to the world or landscape in which human beings move and find themselves at home
  • Lived Body
    Refers to our physical body or bodily presence in our everyday lives, including all that we feel, reveal, conceal, and share through our lived body
  • Phenomenological Analysis

    Based on discussions and reflections of direct sense perception and experiences of the researched phenomenon
  • Humans have the capacity to change or influence the balance of society
  • Landscape
    The visible features of an area of land of countryside or land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal
  • Thematic Map
    Focuses on a specific theme or subject area such as physical phenomena like temperature variation, rainfall distribution, and population density in an area