Key words (ACC . IC. MACBETH)

Cards (96)

  • Morality
    Principles discerning right from wrong
  • Social Darwinism

    The idea that some people in society are more powerful/innately better because they are 'survival of the fittest'
  • Enlightenment
    Period of scientific advancement
  • Industrial revolution 

    The development of industries, factories and manufacturing.
  • Urbanisation
    The increased proportion of people moving from rural locations to towns and citys
  • Determinism
    The idea that there is no free will
  • Malthusian Theory
    The idea that human populations grow faster than food supplies until war , famine or disease reduce populations.
  • Marxism
    A critique of capitalism that proposes that workers have greater ownership over the means of production.
  • Capitalism
    A system whereby a country's industries and trade are owned privately.
  • Socialism
    A system that attempts to create greater equality through shared ownership of industries and trade.
  • Welfare state
    Government run institutions that protect and support social well- being : schools , police etc...
  • Microcosm
    The world represented in miniature
  • New Poor laws 

    These laws ensured that the poor were housed in workhouses, clothed and fed. Children received some schooling.
  • Social responsibility
    The idea that individuals are responsible for the well-being of the whole community and the next generation.
  • Workhouse
    Government institutions that provide work to the homeless in exchange for food and shelter.
  • Class system
    A hierarchy based on income
  • Stave
    Five lines on which music is written .Used as Chapter in ACC.
  • Stave
    Five lines on which music is written .Used as Chapter in ACC.
  • Didactic
    Intended to teach
  • Hierarchy
    Ranking in terms of power or wealth.
  • Misanthropy
    To dislike humankind. Opposite of philanthropy.
  • Destitute
    Lacking good, shelter and other basic necessities.
  • Benevolence
    Quality of being well meaning or kind
  • Anti hero
    A central character who lacks the conventional he characteristics : courage , bravery , strength, nobility etc....
  • Foreshadowing
    A warning or indication of human events
  • Foreboding
    A feeling that something bad is about to happen.
  • Juxtaposition
    The fact that two things being seen or placed together with contrasting effect.
  • Intrusive Narrator
    A narrator who interrupts a story to provide a commentary to the reader.
  • Motif
    A recurring image or idea
  • Pathetic fallacy
    Giving human emotions to things been seen or placed together with contrasting effect.
  • Supernatural
    Something beyond what is explainable by the laws science ad nature
  • Foil
    A character who is presented as a contrast as a protagonists to show advantage or reveal lack.
  • Unheimlich
    Uncanny , unease , uncomfortableness that arises from what is generally considered familiar
  • Allusion
    Reference to a Biblical or Classical
  • Metaphor
    Method of Comparison
  • Tenor
    What you want to describe
  • Vehicle
    What you compare the tenor to.
  • Ground
    What the tenor and vehicle have in common
  • Simile
    Method of comparison using the words ' like ' or 'as'
  • Symbolism
    When a character or thing is used as a symbol to represent a larger idea.