AO1- maternalinstinct / tries to bond with autistic son
‘Bloody Nora, it’s cold’ (simultaneously)
AO2 – shared dialogue – Christopher’s flashback to holiday in Cornwall
Judy (Christopher’s Mother)- a realisticMum
AO1 - Struggled to cope – tried to build relationship with son but found it too hard
‘I just cried and cried and cried’
AO2 – Judy’sletter – nestednarrative of time they went to the shops.Repeated use of connective ‘and’ across letter reading almost like endlesslist of challenges.Concludes with her sadness that she could not manage – repetition of cried.
AO3 – Audience sympathise with Judy’sefforts to manage her son’s needs- her efforts and failings. She is a flawed Mum but this is realistic to our own experiences of being human.Parents in audience will empathise and also feel compassionate about her additionalcomplexities.
Judy (Christopher’s Mother)- a realistic Mum
AO1 - Selfish
‘Maybe if things had been different, maybe if you’d been different.’
AO2- parallelism
AO3 – Judy’s hopes as a newmother would need to have been adjusted when she had an autistic son. Parents can have unrealisticaims and fantasies about what it means to have children. Judy is notwilling to make the sacrificesneeded and appearsselfish to the audience and Christopher