introduction to superpowers

Cards (10)

  • ways of classifying powerful countries
    • superpowers eg USA-can influence the rest of world, hold strength through economy,military and political desicions
    • emerging powers eg China-potential superpowers, influence growing rapidly and hold economic power
    • regional power eg mexico-influence other countries within the continent
  • 6 characteristics for superpower status 

    economic-high GDP and ownership of TNCs
    political-influence intergovernmental organisations eg UN, influence how countries behave
    military-use to threaten,invade defend and aid other countries- expanding influence eg USA spent 778 million dollars on military in 2020
  • 6 characterstics for superpower status 

    cultural-specific idiology other countries wish to follow
    demographic-larger population which is educated and healthy=larger military and larger labour force
    access to natural resources- large supply means not reliant on others for their supply, can influence through trade of natural resources
  • ``USA
    • only true superpower, dominates all characteristics
    • hyperpower=not challenged by others, britain from 1850 to 1910 and USA from 1990-2010
  • hard power - military
    • well equipped military,military bases in foreign country and nuclear weapons
    • USA and allies used hard power during iraq war(2003-2011)
  • hard power-economic sanctions
    • trade restrictions,travel bans,freezing of assets- limit opportunities for country to act in undesireable way
    • eg Russians invasion on ukraine in 2022 resulted in sanctions on russia
    • hard power can be expensive and risky and create long term economic and political instability-importance decreased overtime
  • soft power
    • the use of power through attractive policies/ideologies
    • seen through the spread of culturevia films,music ect=helps countries spread their global influence
    • eg spread of the english language, worlds most spoken tool of communication=spreads ideas and beliefs
    • international relations=influence with appealing policies and cultural values
    • globalisation=soft power succeeds when country share a degree of shared culture
  • hard and soft power
    • economic policies eg trade agreements involve no direct threat however nature is to control how country wishes to sell its goods eg may be forced at lower price- element of hard power
  • mackinder geostrategic theory about superpowers
    • centre of Eurasia as 'heartland'- has a large land mass and inland position=protection from attacks via the sea.
    • also contains large percentage of worlds natural resources
    • mackinder suggested whoever had control over heartland would become a superpower(russia)
    • however, large part of russias coastline within arctic circle so unsuitable for trade
  • mackinders theory
    • influenced geostrategic thinking beyond the 2nd world war
    • eg during cold war between USA and USSR, the usa was influenced by mackinders theory to restrict USSRs control of the heartland