Cards (12)

  • animal experiment - a01.

    involves natural observation of animal behaviour while still manipulating the iv (behaviour) and measuring the dv.
  • examples in our specification of animal use!

    pavlov - used dogs. skinner - used rats/pigeons. Vaughan et al - used cows. (biological - egger + Flynn, Ferrari et al, Manson + Wrangham).
  • key study for debate of animal use.
    harry harrow!
  • harrow - main study.

    put baby monkeys into cages and gave them option of both cloth mum or wire mum (wire mum gave milk out of dispenser). babies used both to survive but when frightened or not hungry (most of the time) they cuddled and stayed close to cloth mum.
  • harrow - follow up study.

    put monkeys in large cage for solitary confinement for a year so study attachment and dependancy. the monkeys ended up having intense depression.
  • harrow - what we can conclude/apply. 

    applies to attachment and disorders - need to have people close at a young age will affect how reactive you are as a person.
  • another key study for animal use.
    Alexander et al - found that when rats were confined they chose morphine over water but when socialised they chose water over morphine. involves the idea of housing conditions on addiction!
  • What are the two legislative papers on animal use?

    BPS code and Animal Procedures Act 1986.
  • What are the three R's under both bps/act!?
    replacement - trying to find alternatives. reduction - reducing amount of animals used. refinement - limiting the amount of pain/distress.
  • What are other requirements/factors for ethics of animal use?
    legal, sufficient care/caging, no pain, limited deprivation, fit procedure.
  • evaluate use of animals for strengths.

    large legislation so controlled. high internal validity as animals are unaware and naive. applicable to humans sometimes - 90% of mice's genes are shared with humans/similar cns. animals can be bred. application - drug addiction and treatment.
  • evaluate the use of animals for weaknesses.
    unethical/cannot be justified for using them. anthropomorphism - assumption that animals and humans are the same. low ecological validity sometimes due to not in natural habitat.