Lorenz’s research

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    • Lorenz's research

      Research on the relationships between newborn animals and their mothers, which informed psychologists' understanding of caregiver-infant attachment in humans
    • Konrad Lorenz

      • One of the most prominent ethologists who conducted animal studies on caregiver-infant attachment
    • Imprinting
      Phenomenon where bird species that are mobile from birth attach to and follow the first moving object they see
    • Critical period for imprinting

      Brief period, often just hours after hatching/birth, when imprinting needs to take place
    • If imprinting does not occur within critical period, chicks do not attach to a mother figure
    • Sexual imprinting

      Relationship between imprinting and adult mate preferences, where birds imprint on first moving object and later display courtship behaviour towards it
    • Case study of sexual imprinting

      • Peacock reared in reptile house, imprinted on giant tortoises and only courted them as an adult