Cards (3)

  • ”A merry Christmas, uncle! God save you!”
    • optimistic and jovial attitude is shown through his abundance of exclamative sentences
    • comma before “uncle” creates a pause showing sincerity towards Scrooge as he emphasises their familial bond
    • contrasts his misanthropic uncle who calls people who are festive an “idiot” and belligerently suggests they should be “buried with a stake of holly though his heart“
  • “twisting his face into the most extravagant contortions”
    • Freds elation is described hyperbolically and his energy is infectious
    • metaphor emphasises that he’s a foul to Scrooge who is “squeezing” “wrenching”
  • “all in glow; his face was ruddy and handsome; his eyes sparkled“
    • “glow” and “sparkled” demonstrate motif of light
    • light symbolises hope and enlightenment throughout the novella, this could show how Fred provides hope for Scrooges redemption