Sequence of Hajj - pilgrimage to Makkah
1. Muslims are validated of their faith as only muslims are allowed to enter the Makkah because it is scared to Islam
2. TAWAF is performed - circling Kabba 7 times(they say Niyyah before)
3. SA'Y is performed - running between 2 hills know as As-Safa and Al-Marwa(to re-enact hagar's search for water when she was left alone in the deasert with her son Isma'il)
4. after Fajr(dawn prayer)muslims travel to the mount of mercy to ask Allah for forgiveness - most important ritual of the journey
5. muslms move to Muzdalifah where they will complete their sunset and night prayers and collect 49 stones
6. Iblis stoning on the tenth of Dhul-Hijjah at Mina to symbolise rejection of the devil's temptations
7. many muslims will then sacrifice an animal to thank Allah for his gifts
8. some muslim men will trim their hair to signify the coming out of the state of Ihram