Cards (6)

  • Outline what the hippocampus is important for:

    Explicit/ declarative memory
    Spatial memory
    Relational memory
    Episodic memory
  • What is the basal ganglia important for?
    Implicit memory/ non-declarative
    skill learning
  • What happens in the Morris water experiment?
    The rat learns the layout of a maze, but if hippocampus is damaged it will only randomly search.
    Therefore, the hippocampus is important in spatial memory.
  • What is the relational memory theory?

    The hippocampus does not represent space as such, but more the relationships among the overlapping cues in the environment.
  • Episodic memory theory:

    The hippocampus is critical for episodic but not semantic memory.
  • Working memory:
    Prefrontal and parietal cortex = executive/ attentional functions
    Association cortex = storage of specific material
    Temporal cortex = associated more with visual working memory and less with spatial
    Parietal lobe = spatial memory