
Cards (10)

  • was there resistance to the Nazi regime?
    yes but it was limited because of how controlled Germany was by the police state, propaganda and censorship
  • What was passive resistance in Nazi Germany?

    -simply not following the rules set by Hitler
    -i.e. young people dancing and listening to banned music
    -some might refuse to give the "heil Hitler"
  • What was active resistance in Nazi Germany?

    -trying to bring down or disrupt the Nazis
    -i.e. violent acts such as assassination attempts
    -less common
  • How did trade unions oppose Nazis?

    -Communist party encourage workers to oppose Nazis by faking sickness or purposely breaking machines
  • What were the Swing Youth?

    -Group that opposed Nazis
    -did this by listening to jazz music and having Jewish friends
    -drank alcohol and smoked
  • What were the white rose group?

    -Led by brother and sister
    -Urged Germans to get rid of Hitler by handing out leaflets graffitiing and putting up posters
  • What were the Edelweiss Pirates?

    A student resistant group
    -beat up Nazis
    -helped army deserters
  • What was the July 1944 Bomb Plot?

    -Army officer Stauffenburg part of group that detonated bomb where Hitler was meeting with other Nazi leaders
    -Killed 4 men and injured Hitler but did not kill him
  • How did the churches oppose the Nazis?

    -6000 protestant pastors joined cofessing church which opposed the Nazis
    -some catholic priests spoke out against them
  • Why was opposition to the Nazi regime limited?

    - could easily arrest anyone who stood against them and send them to concentration camps
    -happened to around 800 Protestant pastors.