Challenge of the Persian empire

Cards (69)

  • Challenge of the Persian Empire 492-479
    • The tyrant of Miletus (Aristagoras) launched a joint expedition with the Persian satrap Artaphernes to conquer Naxos
    • This failed so Aristagoras incited the whole of Ionia to rebel against Darius
    • Athens & Eretria sent troops to aid Ionia, capturing and burning Sardis
  • Herodotus; reforms by Artaphernes: “settle. their differences by arbitration“ more fair taxes
  • Herodotus; Mardonius: “recently married Darius’ daughter“ ”suppressed all the tyrants in the Ionian states and set up democratic institutions“
  • Herodotus; Mardonius‘ campaign: “intent to subdue as many of the Greek cities as they could“ “the land army added the Macedonians to the slaves“
  • Herodotus; Mardonius’ campaign fails: “dashed against the rocks“ 300 ships destroyed killing 20,000 men “the brygi of Thrace attacked them by night and slew many of them“ they become “enslaved“ “inglorious adventure“ “returned to Asia in disgrace”
  • Darius sends heralds to Greece in 491
  • Herodotus; Sparta and Athens dont treat the heralds well: “at Athens they were thrown into the pit like criminals, at Sparta they were pushed inti a well“
  • Herodotus; why Aegina medized: “out of enmity agaisnt Athens, that so they might joined with the Persians in attacking the Athenians”
  • Herodotus; Darius’ anger about Athens: “his servant was ever reminding them to remember the Athenians” “Pissistratidae were at his elbow maligning the Athenians” “Darius desire to take this pretext for subduing all the men of Hellas that had no given earth and water“
  • Marathon 490
  • Herodotus; Athenian motivation to fight: “if we submit to the Persians, Hippias will be restored to power” “if we refuse to fight… our purpose will be shaken and we shall submit to Persia“
  • Herodotus; Athens run: “first Greeks, so far as we know to charge at a run“
  • Herodotus; Greek fear of Persians: “no Greek could hear even the word Persian without terror“
  • Aeschylus‘ The Persians; well. trained Athenian soldiers: “they have soldiers who once struck Persian arms a fearful blow”
  • Aeschylus‘ The Persians; Athens have money: “a spring of silver treasured in their soil”
  • Aeschylus‘ The Persians; Athenian armoury: “they carry stout shield and fight-hand-to-hand with spears“
  • Aeschylus‘ The Persians; Athens is free: “master? they are not called servants to any man“
  • Herodotus; Hippias aiding Persian army: “Hippias the son of Pisistratus directed the invading army“
  • Herodotus; Sparta want to help but are impeded by a religious festival: “unable to send help promptly beacuse they did not wish to break their law“
  • Herodotus; Athens at a disadvantage: “the Athenian force was too small to stand a chance of success“ they get help from Plataea
  • Herodotus; Athenian self motivated for glory?: “this city of ours may wel grow to pre-eminence amongst all the cities of Greece”
  • Herodotus; Persia underestimate Athens: “thinking it suicidal madness“
  • Herodotus; Sparta do send help: “after the full moon, two thousand Spartans set off for Athens… they were anxious not to be late“
  • Herodotus; Darius’ reaction to loss of Marathon: “his anger against Athens… was even greater“
  • Herodotus; Xerxes calls a meeting to discuss war: “at first was not at all interested in invading Greece”
  • Herodotus; Mardonius convinces Xerxes to invade Greece: “the athenians have done us a great injury” “Mardonius’ motive for urging the campaign was… the hope of becoming governor of Greece himself“
  • Herodotus; Xerxes underestimates Greece: “punish the Athenians for the outrage they committed“ “there is not a city or nation in the world which will be able to withstand us“
  • Herodotus; Mardonius’ underestimation of Greeks: “we are the best soldiers in the world“ ”absurd notions of warfare“
  • Herodotus; Artabanus warns against invading Greece: “the Greeks are said to be great fighters“ “let the kings stay here in Persia“
  • Herodotus; Artabanus warns of hostile Greek terrain: “the land itself will become more hostile to you the further you advance“
  • Herodotus; Xerxes belief of Greeks: “not nomad tribes- they are agricultural peoples“
  • Herodotus; The Hellenic League dedications: “dedicate to the god of Delphi the possession of all the Greeks who had of free will surrendered to the Persians“
  • Hellenic League was formed in 481
    • end conflict between city states
    • spy on Persians
    • recruit other city states to the cause
    • resist Persia
    • not leave
    • defend one and other
    • to make decisions via discussion
  • Serpent Column
    • dedicated to Apollo at Delphi
    • thanks for Greek victory at Plataea in 479
    • competitive gift giving
    • Sparta at top, then Athens then Corinth
  • Herodotus; Athens’ significance: “Greece was save by the Athenians”
  • Herodotus; Themistocles invests Athens‘ money into sailing: “Themistocles persuade the Athenians to… build 200 ships for the war with Aegina” “saved Hellas by becoming seamen”
  • Herodotus; Argos dont joined the Hellenic League: “they knew Sparta would reused to grant it and that they would thus have an excuse for taking no part in the war”
  • Thermopylae in 480
  • Herodotus; Thermopylae good: “hold the pass in order to prevent the Persians from entering Greece“