Catholic attitudes

Cards (10)

  • Different causes of crime:
    • poor moral choices
    • poverty
    • drug / alcohol abuse
  • Christians see reformation as main aim of punishment as Jesus taught love and forgiveness.
  • Should be punishment as justice = important but Good = ultimate judge
  • Catholics agree the law is very important.
  • Widely accepted: poverty, parental neglect, low self-esteem and substance abuse can sometimes explain crimes.
  • Some at greater risk of becoming offenders due to birth circumstances.
  • For Catholics, sinful behaviour can…
    • plead to personal suffering
    • cause offence to God + exclusion from heaven
    • lead to being cut off
  • Criminal justice system there to enforce laws and punish crime.
  • Government makes laws which govern our behaviour.
  • Crime = any offence that is punishable by law.