1.1 Principles of Muscle and Tendon Treatment

Cards (10)

  • Stretch Reflex
    Natural reflex to prevent over-lengthening of muscle tissue.
  • Length-tension Relationship
    Tension of the muscle is the highest at optimal resting length.
  • Muscle Inhibition
    Both acute and chronic joint pathology, effusion, pain, and immobilization have been found to lead to inhibition of the overlying muscle, a response sometimes referred to as arthrogenous muscle inhibition.
  • Signs and Symptoms of Muscle Dysfunction
    • Reduced muscle strength
    • Reduced muscle power
    • Reduced muscle endurance
    • Altered muscle control
    • Reduced muscle length
    • Production of symptoms
  • Principles of Increasing Muscle Strength, Power and Endurance
    • Overload
    • Specificity
    • Individuality
    • Motivation
    • Learning
    • Reversibility
    • Diminishing returns
  • Overload
    Create load greater than what usually experiences. If the maximum number of reps is reached, then progress the exercise with more resistance/load.
  • Strength - fatigue/fail between 2-6 reps and 3-6 sets
    Endurance - fatigue/fail between 10-15 reps and 3-4 sets
  • Specificity
    The activity needs to target the appropriate musculature, and the loading and/or velocity of movement need to be specific to the aim.
  • Individuality
    Exercise will have different benefits on a person relating to their metabolism, neuro-endocrine regulation and age on muscle.
  • Muscle Action and Adaptations
    • Tendon and friction - bursa, fibrous sheath, synovial sheath, paratenon sheath
    • Tendon and load - plastic, correlated with strength of muscle