Intentional injuries - harm was intended to occure, it wanted to happen by some people, planted
Unintentional injuries - was not int.nded to happen, accident
Domestic violence - happen when one family member hurt or attack another family member
physical hurt
Types of self inflicted injuries:
Suicide - attempting to hurt yourself until you take your own life
Parasuicide - hurting your own body but not wanting to die yet , does not intended to die
Domestic violence - happen inside the house
Act that include physical assault
Used by the people who want to control the others
Bullying - an unwanted, aggressive behavior
can be repeated or it is always repeated
Usually happens in students
Types of bullying:
Verbal - used of word, saying or writing mean and nasty things
Social - destroying someone passion, his/her whole life and spreading. Some humors, it is also referred as relational bullying
Physical bullying - hurting a person's body or destroying their possession, it is actually done by other people, not related
Cyber bullying - used of technology to bulky someone
Stalking - gives a negative emotions
It makes you feel afraid, nervous, harassed or in danger
It happen wh.n someone is repeatedly contacts you, follow you, send you things and talk to you, in short, obession
Extortion - threats to force people to hand over their money, properties, on favor
Gang - street bases group of young people who regard themselves and may be seen by other as a group that engaged in the range of criminal activity and violence
Fraternity - group of people who share a common interest
Group of people with similar background, occupation, interest, orvtwste
Republic act 8049 - known as anti hazing law, according to this law, physical hazing is probihited
Kidnapping - taking away someone forcefully
Abduction - taking someone child at their home by brainwashing them
Terrorism - used of violence for political goals and putting public or a great number in fear
Types of terrorism:
State terrorism - used of government force,conduct against other country or its own people
Bio terrorism - by the use of toxic chemical or spreading some health disorde
r like viruses
Cyber terrorism - used of technology or social platform
Eco terrorism - wanted to destroy the environment, threat of destruction in a city or place
Nuclear terrorism - used of bomb to destroy some place
Narco terrorism used of drugs, it was campaign by drugs traffickers
Verbal abuse - form of cruelty that involves the use of words to hurt someone
Sexual abuse (types):
Incest - sexual contact between the family member, both of the people agreed to happen that things
Molestation - sexual abuse of a person for profit
Rape - forcedly sexual interaction, one of them didn't agreed to happen that things and force by someone like stranger
Article 19 (protection from all form of violence) - children have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, physical or sexual or mentally.
Article 34 (sexual exploitation) - government should protect children from all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse
Article 35 (abduction, sales, or trafficking) - the. Government should take all measures possible to make sure that children are not abducted, sold, or trafficked