The expansion and intensificationofsocialrelations and consciousness across world time and world space (Manfred B. Steger)
The term "globalization" gained popularity in 1983 through Theodore Levitt
Globalization as a concept and a phenomenon has been talked about and has been in existence long before 1983
Pre-Globalization Era - The Silk Road
1. People engaged in trade
2. Creation of the Silk Road (Han Dynasty)
3. Global trade links formed on land
Pre-Globalization Era - The SpiceRoute
1. Spice route established (Vasco Da Gama)
2. Spice trade mainly done by sea
3. Opened up more globaltradelinks between countries
Pre-Globalization Era - The AgeofDiscovery
1. Discoveries and innovations of the Scientific Revolution
2. European explorers connected East and West
3. Colonization of many territories
4. Culture, beliefs, goods passed around causing major shifts
Globalization 1.0
FirstIndustrialRevolution, rise of factories, use of water and steam power to mechanize production, led by the BritishEmpire
Periodofcollapse of globalization, WorldWarI and II, millions died, developments halted, countries closed borders
Globalization 2.0
SecondIndustrialRevolution, emphasis on electric power for production, technologies like cars, airplanes became more accessible, led by USandSoviet Union
ThirdIndustrialRevolution, emphasis on electronicsandinformationtechnology to automate production, more technologies accessible, led by US
Globalization 4.0
FourthIndustrialRevolution, 2008, emphasis on blurring lines between digital, physical and biological, led by USandChina
Domains of Globalization
The leading nations of globalization in the current era (Globalization 4.0) are the UnitedStates and China
John Levin
Domains of globalization behavior
The globalization is about increased free trade, faster trading, creation of global economic organizations and trade blocks
Globalization is seen as a challenge to the nationstate, a strengthening of regional blocks, an emergence of global political norms, and an emergence of corporations as entities with considerable power and influence.
Globalization is viewed as the creationofaglobalvillage, using technology to make the world a “smallerplace”, and the prevalence of cultural imperialism.