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  • BPH is enlarged prostate that puts pressure on the urinary tract
  • Symptoms of BPH include dribbling, pain, nocturia, dysuria, and difficulty starting urination.
  • Diagnostic study to check prostate size is DRE
  • Drug Therapy for BPH
    • alpha-blockers: Ex. tamsulosin which helps in relaxing smooth muscle
    • 5a reductase inhibitor: Ex. ends in steride. SE's include libido and erectile dysfunction. Pregnant women should not touch this medication
  • Men >50 years old should get annual DRE
  • Care Post-TURP includes continuous bladder irrigation where 3L of fluid goes into the bladder
  • Blood clots are normal Post-TURP for 36 hours only
  • Drug therapy Post-TURP
    • antispasmodics Ex: oxybutin
    • analgesics
    • stool softeners
    • kegel exercises