How far was the Regimental Aid Post from the frontline?
What did the Regimental Aid Post provide?
Immediate First Aid
Describe 2 features of dressing stations where injured soldiers might be taken to receive treatment. (4 marks)
They were usually a short distance behind the trenches, often based in abandoned buildings or sometimes just in tents
Staff at the DS would treat minor injuries so the soldiers could return to fighting as soon as possible, but those with more severe injuries would be passed further down the evacuation chain.
After 1915, some Dressing Stations included nurses
Give 2 forms of transport used in the Evacuation Process.
MotorAmbulances and Horse Drawn Ambulances
What happened in Casualty Clearing Stations?
More serious cases were taken here
What 3 categories were people sorted into at CCS
Walking Wounded - patched up and sent back out
In Need Of Hospital Treatment - Sent to hospitals
Severely Wounded - Made comfortable and left to die