migration, identity and sovereignty

Cards (99)

  • Globalisation has led to an increase in both internal and international migration
  • As of 2014, 230 million people lived in a country that wasn't their place of birth (approx. 3-4% of the global population)
  • Reasons for increase in migration

    • Advancement of transport networks to allow people to travel easily to other countries
    • Rise in global trading
  • Most international migration is regionalised, like Mexicans to America or Poland to Germany
  • Uneven economic growth

    May be linked originally to a natural advantage over other countries, such as a coastline or raw materials
  • Initial imbalances in economic growth

    Have been exaggerated over time due to the outflow of migrants, resources and investment
  • The number of people migrating internationally has risen rapidly and from 1950 to 2015, the global population grew rapidly from 2.5 billion to 7.3 billion
  • In the 1990s, international migration occurred mainly to world destinations like New York and Paris. Now, many cities in developing countries (e.g. Mumbai and Lagos) have become major hubs for migration
  • Japan
    • Population is declining
    • 27% are aged 65 and over
    • Working age population expected to drop to 44 million by 2037, half of what it was in 2007
    • Only 1.7% of population are immigrants (compared to 5% in most advanced economies)
    • Requires 17 million migrants by 2050 to maintain 2007 population levels
    • Migration limited due to Japanese not being an international language and closed-door policies
  • Australia
    • Immigration policy strictly based on skills and employment
    • 70% of immigrants came to work in areas with skills shortages
    • Immigrants contribute 10% more per capita than non-immigrants
    • Ageing population balanced by young migrants
    • Only 190,000 economic migrants allowed to enter in 2013
  • Singapore
    • Population consists of a very high percentage of foreign workers
    • Great ethnic diversity
    • World's 4th largest financial centre with many TNCs
    • Many international schools to cater to migrants
  • Causes of international migration

    • Voluntary economic migration
    • Refugees
    • Asylum seekers
    • Environmental refugees
    • International students
  • The flows of international migration will continue to change over time, as environmental, political and economic events occur and a country's development improves or declines
  • Rationale for encouraging migration

    • Ensures economic output is optimised
    • Allows free movement of goods, capital and labour
  • Rationale against encouraging migration

    • Concerns over national culture and identity
    • Fears of job losses for locals
    • National security concerns
  • Opportunity to migrate

    • Depends on government policies, physical environment, and migrant's education and skills
    • Australia restricts migrants to mainly skilled individuals
    • Singapore divides migrants into foreign workers and foreign talent
    • Rise of smugglers means migrants need money to migrate illegally
  • State
    A territory that no other country has power or sovereignty over
  • Nation
    A group of people who lack sovereignty
  • Nation states don't necessarily have a single culture or language, and the borders (both physical and political) between states are often contested
  • Cultural unity within a state

    • Can result from historic migration or a single ethnic group due to physical location or political forced isolation
  • Establishing national borders

    • Natural borders like lakes, mountains or rivers
    • Colonial or political intervention that may not account for differences between religious or ethnic groups
  • Contested border examples
    • Ukraine and Crimea
    • Taiwan
    • Syria and Iraq
  • Between 1500 and 1900, many European powers had built global empires
  • By 1880 Britain controlled a third of the world's land surface and over a quarter of the world's population
  • Reasons for disintegration of European empires

    • High cost of war left UK almost bankrupt
    • Growing resistance to foreign rule and rise of independence political groups
    • Rapid population growth
    • European countries becoming less dependent on raw materials from colonies
  • Global empires
    Newly discovered South America was invaded and colonised by the Spanish whilst the UK, France and Belgium colonised parts of Asia and Africa
  • British culture spread across South Asia
    • Through local governance and education, controlled by the UK
  • Many previously-colonial states now have the Union Jack within their own flag
  • Reasons for the disintegration of empires following World War 1

    • The high cost of war had left the UK almost bankrupt
    • There was growing resistance to foreign rule and the rise of independence political groups
    • Rapid population growth was a major problem for the UK government
    • European countries were becoming less dependent on raw materials from their colonies
  • Some independent states (Vietnam, Sudan, etc) were left unable to successfully govern themselves, which has lead to many conflicts and wars following the end of the Imperial Era
  • British Nationality Act 1948
    Gave all commonwealth citizens an equal right to legally settle in the UK
  • Many employers filled skills gaps with commonwealth migrants, such as in the London Underground and the NHS
  • Migrants accepted

    • Skilled migrants worked as healthcare professionals
    • Less skilled workers worked in the manufacturing industries, especially in the textile towns of Lancashire and Yorkshire
  • Cultural clustering

    Commonwealth families moving into the same areas to share opportunities, create networks of family support and to limit their isolation
  • This clustering can be seen today, with the growth of some commonwealth communities becoming important parts of major cities
  • Tax havens

    Locations which offer massive tax advantages to individuals and companies
  • In 2015, it was reported that American companies held $2 trillion overseas in tax havens
  • Tax havens
    Politically stable and have secure banking and legal systems
  • Tax havens can have large economic consequences for other states
  • The taxes paid by businesses are crucial for governments to fund healthcare, education and other public services

    As a result, there are significant impacts if companies use transfer pricing or tax havens, which could stunt a state's development and attractiveness to migrants