Compulsions: behaviours performed repeatedly to reduce anxiety; however, any anxiety reduction is only temporary e.g. checking behaviours.
Avoidance: take or resistactions to avoid being in the presence of objects. situations that triggerobsessions.
Social impairment: not participating in enjoyablesocial activities leading to social withdrawal.
Defined by obsessions, which are constant intrusivethoughts that cause highanxiety levels. Compulsions that are the behavioural response, an attempt to deal with the continuous invasive thoughtprocesses.
Anxiety: an uncomfortablyhigh and persistent state of arousal, making it difficult to relax. Anxiety results from the obsession, the constant worst-case-scenario thinking that defines OCD.
Depression: a consistent and long-lasting sense of sadness. The result of being unable to control the anxiety-causing thoughts.
Obsessions: intrusive, irrational and recurrentthoughts that tend to be unpleasant catastrophic thoughts about potential dangers.
Hypervigilance: A permanent state of alertness where the sufferer is looking for the source of their obsessive thoughts.
Selective attention: this means the individual is so focused on objects connected to the obsession they cannot focus on otherthings.