Being saved, the belief that through God's grace, Jesus' death and resurrection (atonement) brought salvation for humanity. Saving of the soul and being able to enter eternal life in heaven
We were all to go to hell but because of God's omnibenevolence, some are saved even though we are all born sinful (if so omnipotent why does he need Jesus?)
Salvation can be achieved by following the laws of God e.g. 10 commandments and Jesus' teachings in the New testament. Therefore, salvation must be earned by doing good
It is a gift from God- not earned but received from God as a result of believing in Jesus. Saved by faith. Grace is God's unconditional love for humanity therefore Christians put faith in the crucifixion and resurrection
The Holy Spirit is God's presence in the world today helping Christians to achieve salvation. The HS is a gift from God who is always with Christians and you are saved because the HS has helped you to live a good life