Theinability of the human eye to focus on objects up close that results with aging
Not a disease as such, but a condition that affects everyone at a certain age
Starts usually at the age of 40-50
"short arm syndrome"
A condition whereby the amplitude of accommodation diminishes with increase in age where clear & comfortable vision at nearpoint is not achievable
Recession of near point with increase in age
Helmholtz-Hess-GullstrandTheory (H-H-GTheory)
2. Attributes all of the loss in acc. to biomechanical changes in the lens capsule & lens and none to the ciliary muscle
3. The amount of ciliary muscle contraction (or effort/innervation) required to produce a unit change in acc. remainsconstant with age
Donder's-Duane-FinchamTheory (D-D-F Theory)
1. Musclebased
2. Theamount of ciliary muscle contraction needed to produce a unit change in acc. progressively increases with age
3. Reducedamplitudeis due to progressive weakening of the ciliary muscleitself
Etiology of presbyopia
Weakening of the ciliary muscles
Hardening of the nucleus of the lens
Sclerosis of the lens fibers and capsules
Less elasticity of the capsule
Range of accommodation is diminished
Causes of sclerosis
Classification of presbyopia
Incipient Presbyopia
Functional Presbyopia
Absolute Presbyopia
Facultative Presbyopia
Pre-mature Presbyopia
Nocturnal Presbyopia
Theearlieststage at which symptoms orclinicalfindingsdocumentthenear vision effectsofthecondition
Adultpatientseventuallyreportvisualdifficultieswhenfaced with graduallydecliningaccommodativeamplitude and near taskdemands
Some patients are symptomatic at an early age (prematurepresbyopia)
Asaresultofthecontinuousgradual decline in accommodation, functionalpresbyopiaprogresses to absolutepresbyopia
Virtuallynoaccommodative ability remains
Conditionwhichcan still be overcome by a hardorforcedciliaryeffort
Accommodative ability becomes insufficient for thepatient'susualnear vision tasks at an earlier age than expected
Due to environmental,nutritional,disease-related, or drug-induced causes
Nocturnal Presbyopia
Near visiondifficulties result from an apparent decrease in the AA in dim light
Increasedpupil size and decreased depth of field are usually responsible for this
Signs of presbyopia
Recession of near point
Vertical wrinkles on the forehead
Pupils are constricted, but upon dilation in poor illumintaion, near vision blurs
Symptoms of presbyopia
Inabilitytoseenear distances distinctly
Reading material is placed farther away from its usual distance
Pain around the eyes
Lacrimation or tearing
Hyperopes, even if corrected, usually exhibit refractive difficulty first
Thecorrectedhyperopestillenterspresbyopiaordinarilyaheadof the correctedmyopeoremmetrope
If the distant acuity was poor, as occurred occasionally with the very aged
Thepatientwould make no effort at all to accommodate, sinceno gain resulted
If the distant acuity was not too poor
No effort would be made because no blur was recognized
While the optic extent of presbyopia will be reasonably constant for all individuals of a given refractive status and age
The time of onset of complaints occasioned by presbyopia will vary with the usage of the eyes and the physical attributed of the patient
Determination of proper add
1. Amplitudeofaccommodation
2. NearchartVA
3. Crosscylindertechnique
Corrections for presbyopia
ProgressiveAddition lenses (PAL)
Multifocal CL
SurgicalReversal of presbyopia with Scleral Expansion Bands
Laser Thermal Keratoplasty
Surgical Reversal of presbyopia with Scleral Expansion Bands
The surgeon inserts four plastic segments just below the surface of the sclera, which increases the distance between the muscles that focus the lens and the lens itself
The extra distance augments the tension of the muscle allowing better job in focusing the lens
LaserThermalKeratoplasty (LTK)
Mild laser hear is used in a three-secondprocedure to shrink collagen in the periphery of the cornea to steepen the eye's surface for correction of near vision in farsightedness or presbyopia
Considerations affecting the correction
Height segment for multifocals to avoid prismatic effect
Reading power with accordance to patients' work
The use of age as tentative guide as to what power should you start at
With the use of contact lenses, some people choose to correct one eye for near and one eye for far (Monovision)
Eliminatestheneed for bifocals or reading glasses, butcan interfere with depth perception