
Cards (164)

  • advantage’s of setting up as a sole trader
    1. Owner keeps all profits
    2. it is cheap and easy to setup
    3. financial affairs are kept private
  • Definition of partnership
    partnership consists of 2 or more people who jointly own a business
  • What is a sleeping partner ?
    Someone who does not do any work other than invest capital
  • does a partnership have unlimited or limited liability
    Unlimited Liability
  • Advantages of a partnership
    • Additional capital
    • shared responsibility and decision making
    • buisness can carry on if 1 partner is away
    • financial affairs can be private
    • cheap and easy to set up
  • Disadvantages of partnership
    • unlimited liability
    • conflict between partners
    • decision making may be slower
  • What is unlimited liability?
    where the owner of a business is personally responsible for all debts and liabilities of the business.
  • What is limited liability?
    a concept that protects the personal assets of shareholders in a company from being used to pay off the company's debts or liabilities.
  • What is a limited company?
    a company owned by its shareholders, run by directors and has a separate legal identity from its owner
  • What type of liability does a limited company have ?
    Limited liability
  • Who do private limited company sell their shares to ?
    Private limited companies sell their shares to private investors or individuals.
  • Who do public limited company sell their shares to ?
    the public on the stock exchange
  • main features of a limited company
    Limited liability - the people who invest in the company cannot lose any money other than the money they put into the business
    seperate legal identity - considered in the law to be quite separate from its owners (incorperated)
  • Advantages of a private limited company
    1. Large capital avaliable
    2. it has limited liability
    3. separate legal identity
    4. opurtunites for specialization & division of labour
  • Disadvantage of private limited company
    1. some financial info must be puplic
    2. shares are not widely available so expansion can be difficult
    3. the process is very involved
  • Advantages of a public limited company
    1. limited liability
    2. capital available is large
    3. seperate legal identity
  • Disadvantage of a public limited company
    1. Financial info is public
    2. decision making can be hard and slow
    3. lack personal touch
  • Definition for a franchise
    A franchise is a system where a successful buisness idea is hired out to other business
  • What is a micro buisness
    has 1-9 staff and has turnover of less that 1.7 million
  • What is a small buisness
    10-49 staff and less than 5.6 million turnover
  • What is medium buisness
    50-249 staff and turnover of less than 22.8 million
  • What is a large buisness
    More than 249 staff and greater than 22.8 m
  • Definition for social enterprise
    These businesses aim to address social or environmental needs. They make and do things to earn profits which is then used in a different way to other businesses.
  • Benefits of social enterprise
    1. The more successful the more society benifits
    2. entrepreneurs can earn a living doing somthing valuable
    3. costumers are more willing to buy from social enterprises
  • what does social enterprise do
    1. Provides a sense of community
    2. put their profits back into the community
    3. provide employment for people who have trouble getting a job
  • environmental Factors of location
    1. Noise pollution
    2. footfall
    3. close competition
    4. impact on wildlife
  • Advantages of locating overseas
    1. Larger market
    2. lower labor cost
    3. lower cost production
  • Disadvantages of locating overseas
    1. Laungage and cultural diffrences
    2. lower profits as company may have to cut costs due to increases competition
  • Factors that influence location
    1. raw materials
    2. parking/ footfalll- good parking available and heavy footfall
    3. cost- price of land
    4. market- close to costumer and supplier not close to competitors
  • What are businesses Aims
    1. Survival
    2. growth
    3. profit
    4. corporate image
  • Private sector aims
    1. Create and improve profit
    2. grow and expand
    3. corporate image
  • Public sector aims
    1. provide a service
    2. break even
  • Social enterprise aims
    1. To contribute to the community
    2. to relieve social problems
  • definition for a stake holder

    A stakeholder is any person, group of people or other organisation that has an interest in the activities of a business.
  • Who are stakeholders
    1. Employees
    2. owners
    3. shareholders
    4. directors
    5. the community
    6. managers
  • Definition for a franchise 

    A franchise is a system we’re a successful business idea is hired out to other businesses
  • What is a franchise
    The buisness in loan
  • What is a franchisee

    The person who is buying the franchise
  • What is a franchiser

    The person who owns the franchise
  • Advantages for the franchiser
    1. Expansion without the need of involvment
    2. economics of scale (bulk buying)
    3. recives royalties from each franchise set up