Chapter 13

Cards (32)

  • 3D
    three dimensional, an image which creates the illusion of depth
  • call-to-action buttons

    A clickable Link on a social media page which prompts the user to take some form of action.
  • chat client

    An application which supports interactive real-time chat between two participants
  • game settings

    An area of a gaming application where the user can adjust game elements such as sound levels, controls and even create their own characters.
  • push technology
    allows information to be delivered automatically to recipient, eg pop ups
  • role-play games

    a gaming environment where the end user plays the game in the persona of a character from a game and all interactions are with that persona
  • virtual communities

    A group of individuals who communicate in an online forum
  • web 2.0

    second generation WWW technologies aimed at supporting user interaction and collaberation online
  • web space

    an area of a hosts server made available to an end user for the storage of their content
  • what does multimedia refer to

    the combination of images, sound, animation, video and text to present information to users in a digital application
  • what do application now support streaming of

    stored video and sound files e.g. podcasts
    live audio and video presentation on social media
    video and sound in an interactive environment
  • what is interaction with a digital device

    the way a user uses hardware and software to view output and generate input in response to that output to help them complete a task
  • the application software converts the users input into what

  • what does this lead to

  • name 5 interactive features

    3D interactive displays
    playing videos
    rollover images
  • define feedback

    output from a digital application is used as an input to another application
  • + and - of posting reviews
    +customers can see what other people thought of the product
    - word length may be limited
  • tracking/ wishlists

    +customers can check stock levels of product and check if it has been posted to them
    -not all sellers provide this information
  • product or selling ratings

    +allows customers to gain the insight into other customer thoughts on the product
    -reviews are subjective and not all users operate on the same standard
  • search facility

    +allows customers to use key words to narrow down search
    -customer and seller must have the same key words to describe the item
  • secure online payment

    +purchasers and sellers do not share their bank details
    -not all customers have access to electronic payments
  • live bidding and alert system

    +customers can monitor items they are bidding on or be alerted to the fact they have been outbid even when not using the application
    -messages relating to bidding can be intrusive
  • push technology

    +used to send customers pop up alerts as emails or notifications on digital devices
    -may become intrusive
  • sharing of product information via other media

    +customers can send links to someone else
  • help systems and dispute resolutions
    +customer has security of knowing if the product is unsatisfactory that they can return it
    - n/a
  • shopping carts

    +customer can save items and purchase them later
    -items reserved in shopping trolley indefinitely may not be available for others to purchase
  • image display tools

    +allows sellers to illustrates products as purchaser can see product before purchasing
    - images may not show up on devices
  • 4 examples of multimedia and interactivity in gaming

    high quality graphics and sound to support the gaming experience of the user
    customisation of settings and characters
    3D interaction methods now allow end users to perform a range of tasks
    adjustment of visual elements of the game display e.g. camera angles during game play
  • 4 + of high interactivity in multimedia and interactivity in gaming

    increased interactivity during game play can help to increase enjoyment and motivation to continue playing
    immediate feedback in a variety of forms encourages the user to remain alert at all times with the game in response to the feedback given
    high quality graphics can help enhance the gaming experience and encourage the end user to be fully immersed in the game
    the use of specialised hardware devices for gaming interaction can help make the game feel more realistic to the end user
  • 4 - of multimedia and interactivity in gaming
    increased use of high quality multimedia demands increased storage for games that are not being streamed during game play
    where multimedia games are being streamed during game play the end user is reliant on reliable broadband to ensure game is not interrupted
    complex code is required to support high speed realistic interactions with multimedia gaming elements. Large programs are expensive
    specialised devices are often required to support high speed or realistic interactions, these can be expensive to develop and purchase
  • 4 + of multimedia and interactivity in generic application

    communication between users can now be supported via messaging tools
    content on interactive multimedia applications can be updated quickly where necessary
    interactive media keeps users engaged and interest helping them retain information
    most interactive multimedia applications are designed to be intuitive and can be used with limited technical knowledge
  • 4 - of multimedia and interactivity in generic applications

    to access multimedia systems access to specialised hardware and software is needed
    there is no guarantee that all members of the target audience will choose to access the information your presenting to them
    messages presented to users by the interactive multimedia applications can be intrusive
    applications which are media-rich can demand increased processing power, memory and storage requirements