when newspapers are used to spread the information and message about a campaign
used to reach a wider audience, gain interest and help the cause of the campaign
Sarah Payne: Name and Shame Campaign
caused by murder of Sarah Payne by known sex offender Roy Whiting
naming and shaming known sex offenders and paedophiles, led to them being attacked by vigilantes
used News of the World newspaper to publish the names
led to Sarah's Law, Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme: allows parents, guardians and carers to ask the police to tell them if someone has a criminal record for child sexual offences
Express and Star: Deadly Knives Campaign
raised the issue of deadly combat knives following the murder of Stefan Appleton
try to ban deadly knives, 'zombie knives'
backed by the police commissioner, lobbied parliament
led to the manufacture, sale, hire,importing or lending of zombie knives becoming illegal with a 6 month custodial sentence and/or a fine