
Cards (9)

  • "look not like th'inhabitants o'th'earth" (Act 1)
  • Context: 

    The witches physiognomy exposes them as inhumane and evil. Banquo's perceptiveness in recognising their depraved demeanour is important, especially considering the historical belief that he was an ancestor of King James I.
    • This perceptiveness serves as a subtle form of indirect flattery, aligning Banquo with a quality associated with the monarch and subtly reinforcing his sagacity
  • Image on "earth": 

    The word "earth" cultivates a natural image, accentuating the Witches' unnatural essence and their deliberate attempt to subvert the natural order.
  • banquos perceptiveness, unaffected by the malevolent allure crafted by the Witches, serves as a testament to his purity and moral integrity - he is immune to the corrupting influences that engulf others like Macbeth.
  • I dream'd of the three weird sisters last night" (Banque Act. 2)"I think not of them" (Macbeth Act 2)
  • Abstract noun "dream‘d": 

    The abstract noun "dream d' signifies Banquo's affliction, suggesting that he is haunted not only in his waking moments but also in the realm of sleep.This implies the intrusion of superstition into Banquo's consciousness, trespassing on his unconscious mind.
  • Motif of sleep: 

    The motif of sleep in the play becomes synonymous with the loss of innocence. As Macbeth grapples with guilt, he declares he "sleeps no more," echoing Lady Macbeth's somnambulant state.Intriguingly, Banquo retains the capacity to sleep but acknowledges his ability to "dream." This contrast illuminates Banquo's preservation of innocence, as he truthfully admits to being captivated by the supernatural without succumbing to guilt-induced insomnia like Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.
  • Foil to Macbeth: 

    Banquo's sincerity operates as a foil to Macbeth's deceit, as Macbeth falsely asserts that he does not "think" of the prophecies. Banquo's moral characterisation is strategically employed to heighten the contrast with Macbeth's dishonesty and duplicity . This deliberate juxtaposition serves to accentuate the moral divergence between the two characters.