Lord capulet

Cards (11)

  • "A crutch, a crutch, why call you for a sword?-lady capulet (A1S1)
    .capulet doesn't react emotionally to this mockery, showing the effect toxic masculinity has on men In the Edwardian era, they were forced to show no emotion
    .Lord capulet also follows his wife's advise by not joining in
    .presents him in a positive light as a passive character who is open to advice
  • "My child is yet a stranger in the world"(A1S2)
    .this shows that he is giving juliet time to enjoy her life in possession of her father before she is passed onto property of Paris
    .in elizabethan era, arranged marriages were common, especially in upper class families, however here capulet is refusing paris' offer and telling him to wait longer and allow Julietto experience life more
    .progressive for his time
    .however, Lord capulet is still speaking for her here, showing he still supports the patriarchy
  • "A bears him like a portly gentleman" (A1S5)
    .this is during the capulet ball, when tybalt sees romeo and is readying to fight
    .capulets response is calm and loving
    .here he is complimenting Romeo, despite him being a Montague
    .he is also avoiding further conflict
  • "Hang thee young baggage, disobedient wretch!" (A3S5)
    .the word 'baggage' dehumanises juliet as his daughter
    .this Implies that Lord capulet feels she is a burden who weights him down
    .'disobedient' tells us that although he was shown in positive light at the start, this was only because juliet did not go against him, she obeyed her father
    .represents how fathers were in charge of the household during edwardian period
  • "I think she will be mind ruled. In all respects by me" (A3S4)
    .here we see capuket have a sudden change in mind about when he will allow Paris to marry his daughter
    .this shows that capuket and what he symbolises is wrote
    .capulets complete change of mind ridicules him as a character, and also ridicules what he stands for, which is the patriarchy
    .this creates a suggestion that Shakespeare may be a protofeminist
  • "Untimely frost upon the sweetest flower of all the field" (A4S5)
    .this is when juliet fakes her death and she is found
    .compared to the nurse, who cannot say any other words apart from the same, repeatedly "o woeful, o woeful, woeful day!", and lady capulet who views juliets death in a selfish manner "one thing to rejoice and solace in", Lord capulet react the most upset about juliets death
    .a moving speech, this quote implies how much beauty and potential he saw in her, he felt it was a blessing to have her as his daughter (contrats to earlier in the play)
  • "O brother Montague, give me thy hand"
    .Lord capulet initiates peace
    .ends and starts the play in a positive light
    .shows that it took the death of both romeo and juliet for the families to come together
  • "But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart" (A1S2)
    .capulet wants Paris not only to prove himself to him, but also to juliet
    .goes against expectations of society
    .'get her heart' implies Lord capulet wants juliet to fall in love with Paris before he gives his consent to marriage, and before a secual relationship is priority
  • "My heart is wondrous light" (A4S2)
    .this shows that capulet is joyous once again when juliet agrees to marry Paris
    .elizabethan view that daughters belonged to their fathers until they were married
    .capulet only loves his daughters under conditions, that she follows his orders and obeys him
  • "Get thee to church a Thursday or never after look me in the face" (A3S5)
    .use of imperative shows his authority over women
    .threatening to disown juliet as his daughter
    .juliet is property of her father, yet he is willing to disown be because I'd her disobedience
    .Lord capulet is using his place as a man in elizabethan society to have power over his own daughter
  • "Speak not, reply not, do not answer me, my fingers itch" (A3S5)
    .this shows capulets belief in a patriarchal society
    .onto of all of the right women already dpnt have, Lord capulet here is silencing juliet and taking away her right to speak and voice ger opinion
    .Lord capulet feels the urge to physically harm juliet, this Implies the extent edwardian men would go to to show dominance and authority as being head of the household