Chapter 7- Nixons war

Cards (8)

  • what was vietmanisation ?
    • ARVN will be trained and carry on fighting without the US
    • US soldiers can return home
    • by end of the year 540,000 soldiers had returned home
  • what were the problems Nixon faced ?
    • he could not win the war with regular tactics
    • nuclear weapons were to big if a risk
    • if the troops were withdrawn straight away communism would spread
  • what do China and the USSR want ?
    to improve relations with th USA
  • how do China and the USSR try to improve these relations ?
    • meet and discuss the reduction of nuclear weapons
    • US ask Soviets to encourage the north to end the war
    • Nixon visits communist China
    • Nixon asks China to persuade the north to end the war
  • what happened in February 1971 ?
    • ARVN attacked the north in Laos
    • attack was supported by US aid
    • attack failed
    • communists in Laos gain more support
  • what happened in march 1969 ?
    • Nixon gives permission to bomb cambodia
    • Nixon trys to keep it a secret
  • what happened in April 1970 ?
    • Nixon orders invasion of Cambodia
    • Nixon calls for 150,000 more troops causing more protest
    • the Khmer Rouge (communist organisation) gain more support
  • describe the war widening
    • destroy as many Vietcong bases before vietmanisation
    • many bases neighboured Cambodia
    • Ho chi Minh trail runs through Laos & Cambodia so Nixon tragets both
    • by 1972 it was clearvietmanisation wasn't working
    • North attack south in reatiliation