
Cards (24)

  • sexuality health
    is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well being in relation to sexuality
  • scope
    sexual well being to sexual ill-being
  • sex assigned at birth
    wether one is male or female based on external anatomy
  • gender identity
    how one views one gender to be female, male, or neither
  • sexual orientation
    how one view oneself in terms of being emotionally, romantically or affectionately attracted to others
  • sexual behavior
    how one responds to sexual impulses and desires
  • sexual normal response
    motivation, arousal, genital congestion, orgasm and resolution
  • motivation
    desire to engage in sexual activity
  • arousal
    sexual excitement "turned on or off"
  • genital congestion
    reflexive response to arousal
  • orgasm
    pleasurable sensation producing rapid contractions
  • resolution
    sense of well being, muscular relaxation
  • lifespan process (newborn)
    care of genetalia, health promotion, circumcision
  • lifespan process (childhood)
    self care of genetalia, gender identity
  • pre-adolescence
    promo of sexual health and prevention of STIS
  • lifespan process (adulthood)
    reproduction, infertility, menopause, prevention of STI
  • life span process geriatric
    maintain sexual functioning if able to
  • assessment (PLISSIT)
    Permission, Limited Information, Specific Suggestions, Intensive Therapy
  • assessment (5P's)
    partners, practices, protection, past history, prevention of pregancy
  • risk factors
    adolescents, newly partnered, multiple sexual partners, sexual minorities, intellectual or developmental disabilities, use of drugs/alcohol, pre-existinc conditions
  • primary prevention
    health promotion, condom use, health education, STI and pregnancy prevention
  • secondary prevention
    routine STI testing, cervical cancer screening, intimate violence screening, pregnancy testing, PREP and PEP
  • tertiary intervention
    pharmacotherapy, surgical procedures, infertility treatment
  • menopause
    12 months without menses, average 52 years