price mechanism

Cards (8)

  • Demand curve shifting right

    1. Find disequilibrium
    2. Excess demand/shortage
    3. Prices rise
    4. Incentivize firms to increase output
    5. Ration scarce resources
  • Demand curve shifts right
    Equilibrium price and quantity increase
  • Supply curve shifting right
    1. Find disequilibrium
    2. Excess supply/surplus
    3. Prices fall
    4. Incentivize firms to reduce output
    5. Ration scarce resources
  • Supply curve shifts right
    Equilibrium price falls, quantity increases
  • There are two shifts left to cover: demand shifting left, supply shifting left
  • The disequilibrium for demand shifting left is excess demand/shortage
  • The disequilibrium for supply shifting left is excess supply/surplus
  • The functions of the price mechanism are used to move from one equilibrium to a new equilibrium in all cases of demand or supply shifts