The end of the darkness of ignorance is represented by candles and lights which are offered.
Puja is an example of inner devotion
Puja is seen as the way to prepare for the path to enlightenment
In Theravada Buddhism, the people's puja is focused on gaining merit and a personal benefit from it
In Mahayana Buddhism, the focus is more on the merit of other people and asking Buddha's to keep teaching for the good of the world
Puja can be expressed through body, speech, and mind. It is a giving in order to help others (Mahayana) and ourselves (Theravada)
The Buddha recommended his followers to make a pilgrimage to Bodh Gaya, the direct descendant of the original Bodhi tree
Ceremonies are meant to provide a blessing, asking Buddha often for repentance
Malabeads keep count while chanting or silently repeating a mantra. They remind people that it's possible to break the cycle of birth and death.
Vipassana meditation is an insight into the true nature of our reality
In the Theravada tradition, Vipassana meditation is an insight into the Three Marks of Existence: impermanence, suffering, and the realisation of non-self. (Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta)
Samatha is concentration - performed in order to calm the mind
Meditation is based on the experience of Buddha
Some Buddhists use a meditation-object to concentrate on
Mindfulness breathing is found in Tibetan and Theravada. Buddha taught people to sit beneath a tree and notice the breath, which helps in training the mind to be sensitive and focused
Chanting is the traditional means of preparing the individual's mind for meditation.