Biological psychology

Cards (68)

  • Cannibis
    Mimics ananamide so regulates mood, appetite and turns off the cannoboid receptors
  • Cannibis
    Allows release of dopamine so that is why we feel relaxed
  • Ananamide breaks down quickly
    Resembles serotonin and binds to receptors
    • Intensified thoughts and emotions
    • Effects dopamine which triggers reward centre
  • Aim (Raine et al)

    Researchers who investigated brain activity in murderers
  • Procedure
    1. 82 participants 41 treatment and 41 control group (23 brain injury, 6 sz)
    2. Injected with radioactive glucose tracer
    3. Continuous task for 32 minutes (PET scan performed)
  • Strengths
    • Large sample size
    • Standardised procedure
  • Weaknesses
    • No ecological validity
    • Opportunity sample
  • Results (Raine et al)

    Murderers had more activity in right side of brain
  • Results (Raine et al)
    Lower glucose metabolism and different levels in the amygdala
  • Aim (Li et al)

    Investigate if chronic heroin use is associated with craving related changes in the functional connectivity of the posterior cingulate cortex
  • Procedure (Li et al)
    14ppts, male/ 15ppts control group
    Drug rehabilitation unit in China
    0.6g heroin dosage
    2MRI scans with heroin reactivity cue tasks
    48 pictures, 24 heroin related, 24 neutral with a cross hair for 4-12 secs
  • Results (Li et al)
    Increased cravings from 2.23 to 3.21
    Addicts had more activity in the bialateral insular pcc
  • Strength of Li

    Controlled variables as they made sure non of the ppts were on any medication and the addicts were not using other drugs
    Standardised procedure all did MRI
  • Weaknesses of Li
    Ethnocentric all from China
    No protection from harm as made them crave heroin after being in rehab
  • Strength of hormones and agg
    Dabbs et al- high testosterone levels when an Individual committed a violent crime
    Low serotonin levels links to aggression
  • Weaknesses of hormones and agg
    High levels of aggression also had high levels of cortisol showing that low levels don’t actually cause aggression
    Duke et al- found no conclusion of the role of serotonin and aggression
  • Eros and Thanatos 

    Keeps us alive
    Death instinct
  • Catharsis
    Unconscious emotions brought into conscious releasing built up energy
  • What is the libido 

    Motivates us and may cause aggression is misapplied as ID, ego and superego may go against eachother
  • Strength of Freud 

    Feshback and Singer- watching violent tv commit less aggressive acts
    Those who act aggressive have a lower heart rate
  • Weaknesses of Freud

    Reduced tension after aggressive acts may cause then to be more aggressive again
    Bushman- punching and punch bag more likely to be aggressive so catharsis is not credible
  • Brain functioning

    Explanation of aggression
  • Brain regions involved in aggression

    • Amygdala
    • Hypothalamus
    • Prefrontal cortex
  • Amygdala
    • Responsible for emotions
    • When stimulated, may be more aggressive or more tearful depending on the situation
  • Hypothalamus
    • Regulates hormones
    • Increase in testosterone leading to aggression
  • Prefrontal cortex

    • Responsible for controlling the expression of our emotions
  • A strength of brain functioning and aggression is 16-18% reduction in amygdala causes high scores of aggression
  • A weakness of brain functioning and aggression is that Brain damage not usually in one place
  • A weakness of brain functioning is that studying on animals is seen as more ethical but less generalisable
  • A strength of brain functioning and aggression
    Removing the amygdala reduces aggression
  • Twin studies aim 

    to determine if schizophrenia is genetic
  • Procedure
    1. 57 pairs of twins from Bethlam and Maudsley psych ward
    2. I twin had sz / 24 MZ. 33 DZ
    3. Data collected through hospital notes, tape recordings
    4. (MMPI personality test)
    5. Concordance measures (Grade 1- 1 twin had sz, Grade 2- Both had psychiatric illness And Grade 3- 1 had sz other had psychiatric illness but not hospitalised)
  • Results of the twin study- Schizophrenia is partly genetic but also environmental (G1- 42mz and 9dz)
  • Strengths of twin studies

    • Ecological validity
    • No gender bias
  • Weaknesses of twin studies

    • Ethnocentric
    • Task valid
  • Biological Key question
    Are anti depressants an effective use of nhs money?
  • A01 of key question
    -lost working days so a loos of earnings increasing benefits and less tax for society
    -Adult depression costs over 9 billion pounds
    -2615 deaths
    -7.3 million of the population were prescribed AD in 2019 costing an extra 4million
  • Central nervous system 

    Brain and nervous system