
Cards (146)

  • Who was the first woman supreme court justice? Who appointed her? Sandra de O'Connor appointed by Reagan
  • What is a general overview of the beginning of the 80s? Really conservative
  • Where do we find liberal Americans? Cities in the northeast and especially in new england
  • Where do we find conservative america? The south rural places suburbia (generally speaking) and out westt
  • For most of the 20th century how did presidents think/do stuff? Liberally
  • What happened to the liberal thinking that we had for most of the century? Why? It went away bc people became conservative after New Conservatism came around
  • What was New Conservatism (not a def just more terms to define it/categories)? Sunbelt vs. rustbelt suburban vs. urban and religious right
  • What is the sunbelt? CA/southwest
  • What is the rustbelt? northeast
  • Before WWII the south and west were which parties? The south was the democrats and the west were republicans
  • What happened to southern democrats after WWII? They switched to the republican party but always thought conservatively
  • How were elections won before WWII? Whatevery party won the northeast won the election which was usually liberal
  • What migration happened after WWII? The sunbelt migration
  • What caused the sunbelt migration? Industry in northeast/rustbelt was in decline unemployment high bc of this polluted/congested gov didn't fix the probs
  • What did westerners/sunbelt oppose? Size and power of fed govt and federal regulations that limited ranching and controlled water use
  • What was the name of the frontier spirit of the westerners/sunbelt? rugged individualism
  • What was the sagebrush rebellion? Widespread conservative protests that started in the 70s
  • By 1980 which was more popular: sun or rust belt? Sunbelt
  • How did the sunbelt migration affect conservatism / elections? All electoral votes were now with conservative america (out west) so conservatives won
  • What was urban blight? People mobing to suburbs in the 60s/70s due to high crime in cities
  • Where did people move in the 80s (other than the sunbelt)? Back to the citites
  • What were yuppies? Young urban professional who lived in the city
  • Other than being yuppies why else did people move to the city? taxes got high for people in the 70s in the suburbs they had to pay for social programs that don't apply to them
  • What was proposition 13? Amendment to CA constitution that made property tax cuts in 78
  • What was the bible belt? the rural area of America
  • What made conservatives be like damnn in the 80s? Events from prior decades like roe v. wade protesting divorce rate going up feminist movement making things untraditional and no more respect for authority
  • What was the biggest group that led to conservatism in the 80? Evangelical protestant christians
  • What were evangelical protestant christians? Deeply religious christians
  • What were televangelists? Preacher of christian values on TV
  • What were some names of pop televangelists? Billy graham pat robertson jerry falwell
  • What did jerry falwel do? Brought politics into the televangelism stuff
  • Televangelists were hypocrites. why? They told people to be nice then asked for money
  • What else did the televangelists do (kinda similar to what Jerry Falwell did)? What effect did this have? Made conservative religious groups and it was why Reagan won
  • What were rons 2 philosophies? The government isn't the solution it's the problem Americans need to beleive in themselves again
  • What did ron promise to do? He said he would cut taxes and increase defense spending
  • Ron was close to what ideologies? Libertarian and laissez-faire
  • Why did people vote for Reagan other than the rise of New Conservatism reasons? They were frustrated with the weak economy and thought we looked weak
  • What new thing started during the ron admin? The wealth gap
  • Which part controlled the senate during ron? Republicans
  • What did Ron do before he became pres? He was an actor president of the screen actors guild and former CA governor in the 60s