Catholic beliefs about the origins of the universe
Use a combination of the Bible and science
No conflict between religion and science
The first book of the Bible, which talks about the universe being formless and empty at the beginning
The only being capable of creating the universe from nothing, as he is omnipotent, eternal, and transcendent
God created the universe
Through the scientific process of the Big Bang
Big Bang
The scientific process through which God created the universe, as the "prime mover" and "first cause"
The idea of the Big Bang was proposed by a Catholic priest, Father Lemaître
Father Lemaître referred to the initial state of the universe as a "primeval atom" or "cosmic egg"
God placed the primeval atom/cosmic egg and caused the Big Bang to start the process of creation
Creatio ex nihilo
Creation from nothing
According to Augustine, the Bible makes it clear that there was nothing before God created everything
According to Augustine, the Bible makes it clear that God didn't use anything to create everything, He only used His words
According to Augustine, the Bible makes it clear that God created everything in the universe, the heavens and the earth
Saint Augustine: 'Out of nothing you created heaven and earth'
Creatio ex nihilo
It teaches that God creates all the universe from nothing
It shows that God did not use any pre-existent material to create the universe because nothing existed before God made it
It reveals that God is omnipotent, all-powerful, since He created the whole universe using only His words
It reveals that God is eternal, He's forever, He existed before the universe was created and He'll be there long after it
It reveals that God is transcendent, above and beyond time and space, God was there before the universe so He must be beyond it and that enabled Him to create everything out of nothing
Look at the Bible metaphorically, see stories as having hidden meanings and teachings
Believe the Bible is not all fact
Creationists (Fundamentalists)
Interpret the Bible literally as the direct word of God
Believe the Bible is 100% fact and should not be questioned
Believe the universe was created by God in 7 literal 24-hour days
Believe the Earth is only around 6,000 years old
Believe God created all animals and humans in their final form
Creationists' beliefs about the Bible
Lead to beliefs about the creation of the universe, Earth, animals and humans
Metaphorical interpretation
Seeing the Bible stories as having hidden meanings and teachings, not just as facts
Literal interpretation
Seeing the Bible as the direct, factual word of God that should not be questioned
Catholics believe the Bible reveals important messages about God being the creator, God's omnipotence and transcendence, humans having a special relationship with God, and the Earth being a gift to be cared for
Science bases its knowledge upon evidence and things which can be tested
Empirical knowledge
Knowledge that you gain through sense observation
Science will rely upon empirical evidence to discover the origin of the universe
Big Bang
The most reasonable explanation that science can provide for the creation of the universe
Studying the natural world and gaining knowledge based on facts and evidence
Charles Darwin
Naturalist who wrote "On the Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection"
Observed animals, especially finches, on the Galapagos Islands
Natural selection
The process of evolution where species with characteristics that help them survive in changes to their environment are more likely to live and reproduce, passing on those characteristics
Everything has come from stars, everything is made of stardust
Survival of the fittest
Organisms produce more offspring than can survive, and those with beneficial mutations or changes are more likely to live and reproduce
Evidence for the Big Bang
Universe is still expanding today
Cosmic microwave background radiation
God is omniscient
Evolution may be part of His plan, as He knows everything
Scientists who support the Big Bang theory
Edwin Hubble
Wilson and Penzias
Stephen Hawking
A complex system that requires a designer
Evidence for evolution
Fossils showing earlier forms of animals
Similarities in genetic code between related species
Stephen Hawking believes the most reasonable explanation for the universe is that it came from nothing, with no God
Key terms related to evolution
Natural selection
Survival of the fittest
Only God is omnipotent enough to design and implement such a system as evolution
God creating evolution
Gives life meaning and purpose
Genesis is not a history book and should not be treated as fact