subsidy impact

Cards (10)

  • Subsidies
    A monetary grant given to firms by the government to reduce their cost of production and encourage an increase in output
  • Subsidies and government intervention

    • Solve market failures to encourage more consumption and production of goods/services beneficial to society
    • Encourage greater affordability of necessity goods/services for low-income households
  • Impact of a subsidy

    1. Reduce cost of production for firms
    2. Shift supply curve downwards
    3. New equilibrium with lower price and higher quantity
  • The vertical distance between the supply curves is the value of the subsidy per unit
  • Subsidy is applied
    Price reduces and quantity increases
  • Cost of subsidy to government
    Vertical distance between supply curves multiplied by new equilibrium quantity
  • Producer revenue with subsidy

    Price x Quantity at new equilibrium plus government subsidy cost
  • Consumer savings with subsidy

    Difference in price paid before and after subsidy, for original quantity
  • Subsidy creates a deadweight welfare loss
  • Stakeholder views on subsidies
    • Consumers (benefit from lower prices but concerned about funding)
    • Producers (love subsidies as increases revenue and surplus)
    • Workers (benefit from higher employment)
    • Government (want to solve market failures and improve affordability but concerned about cost and misuse)