allocative efficiency

Cards (5)

  • Free market equilibrium

    Efficient allocation of scarce resources
  • Achieving efficient allocation of scarce resources in a free market
    1. Understand why P* and Q* is allocated efficiently
    2. Build a model with supply, demand, private costs, social costs, private benefits, social benefits
    3. Prove that at equilibrium, 3 things occur: 1) Maximisation of social surplus 2) Maximisation of net social benefit 3) Perfect allocation of resources to follow consumer demand
  • Assumptions for free market equilibrium to be efficient

    • Many buyers and sellers
    • Perfect information for consumers and producers
    • No barriers to entry or exit
    • Firms are profit maximisers
    • Consumers are utility maximisers
  • If assumptions are violated

    There may be a difference between the private optimum (where MPC=MPB) and the social optimum (where MSC=MSB), leading to market failure
  • Differences between private optimum and social optimum is where market failures can come from