Medicines and medical technology to protect us from diseases
Vaccination: weakened/dead version of the pathogen is injected; white blood cells are stimulated to produce the right antibody; they remember how to do this is this pathogen ever infects the blood; they can destroy the pathogen before the person becomes ill
Antibiotics: kill bacteria (but bacteria can become resistant if antibiotics are overused, or if the course of antibiotics is not finished) – good hygiene and painkillers should be used to stop the spread of bacteria and treat the symptoms of the illness instead of using antibiotics if possible
Painkillers – treat the symptoms of the illness (make you feel better) but do not kill the pathogen – it allows you to feel well enough to let your body fight the pathogen itself
Genetic modification: remove a gene from the DNA of one organism, make many copies of that gene by inserting it into a vector, insert the gene into the DNA of another organism using enzymes (can be used to make bacteria produce human insulin, grow human tissues for transplants in pigs and make sheep produce human proteins in their milk)
Stem cells (undifferentiated cells( can be used to treat heart disease and type 1 diabetes as we can grow tissues from them: Adult stem cells (from bone marrow) can differentiate to make a few types of cells, Embryonic stem cells (from embryos) can differentiate to become ANY type of cell, but embryos are destroyed in the process, Stem cells are also found in umbilical cords
1. Tested for toxicity, efficacy and dosage in a lab using cells, tissues and animals
2. Clinical trials on healthy volunteers and patients using a double-blind method where patients are randomly given the new drug or a placebo and neither patients nor doctors know who has which
3. The drug is peer-reviewed to prevent false claims
Fatty material builds up in the coronary arteries due to high cholesterol, reducing blood flow to the heart so the heart receives less oxygen and glucose, leading to the heart muscle dying (heart attack)
TYPE 1: Body doesn't produce insulin, treated by injecting insulin, born with it
TYPE 2: The body's cells don't respond to insulin, managed with exercise and a low sugar/carbohydrate diet, caused by high sugar/carbohydrate diet and lack of exercise
If blood glucose levels get too low (following exercise or low sugar/carb diet), the pancreas releases glucagon, which stimulates cells to release glucose into the blood (muscle and liver cells will break down glycogen to release more glucose)