cell structure

Cards (25)

  • light microscopes
    Resolution much lower than electron microscopes
    Magnification → overall magnification calculated by multiplying the eyepiece lens magnification by the objective lens magnification
    • Use light to create colour images
    • Used to view whole cells and tissues (most organelles not visible)
    • Can be used to view live specimens
    • The eyepiece graticule must be calibrated against a stage micrometer
  • Scanning electron microscopes (SEM)
    • Resolution and magnification → lower than TEM but much higher than optical microscopes
    • Use electrons to scan the surface of cells (cannot see internal structures)
    • Create a 3D image in black and white
  • Transmission electron microscopes (TEM)
    Highest resolution
    Highest magnification
    • Use an electron beam to view internal structure
    of cells and organelles
    • Create a 2D image in black and white
    • Can only view dead specimens
    Preparation is more complex than for optical
    Specimens must be very thin
  • Laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM)
    Lower magnification and resolution than electron microscopes
    • Use a laser beam to view objects at a certain depth within a cell → can view different depths
    • Can use fluorescent tags to stain and view cells → they fluoresce when hit with the laser beam
    • Can use live specimens and see movement → but laser beam could damage specimen
    • Specimens can be thick
    • Creates 2D or 3D images in colour
    Time consuming to create a stack of images at different depths
  • Magnification and resolution
    Resolution → the ability to separate two objects
    → a high resolution allows the microscope to distinguish between structures that are very close
    Magnification → how many times larger the image is than the actual object
  • Eyepiece graticule → fixed onto the eyepiece, has divisions with no scale
    Stage micrometer → placed onto the stage, has a scale
  • • To measure something with the eyepiece graticule
    calibrate the eyepiece graticule with the stage micrometer to find the length of one division on the graticule
    measure the object with the graticule (take repeat measurements and calculate a mean)
    → convert the number of graticule divisions into a length e.g. in millimetres or micrometres
  • Differential staining in light microscopy
    • Allows identification of different cell types and different organelles
    • Allows white cells to be visualised and counted, and gives contrast to images
    • Many different stains available → Sudan red stains cell membranes
    → Nile blue, methylene blue and haematoxylin all stain nuclei (DNA)
    eosin stains proteins pink (including the cytoskeleton proteins)
    iodine in potassium iodide solution stains starch blue-black
  • Preparing a microscope slide
    • Add a drop of water to a glass microscope slide
    • Put a thin section of your sample onto the water drop using tweezers
    • Pipette a drop of stain at the edge of the sample
    • Carefully lower the cover slip at an angle using a mounted needle
    • Use blotting paper to remove excess stain
  • When taking measurements using a microscope, take multiple measurements from different fields of view and calculate a mean.
  • Representing cell structure using annotated diagrams
    • Use continuous lines with no shading or cross hatching
    • Add a scale bar and title to the diagram
    • Draw label lines using a ruler
    → do not cross the lines
    → do not add arrowheads to the line
    • Use two lines to represent a cell wall
    • Annotate colours where appropriate
  • Nucleus
    • Contains genetic material (DNA)
    • Surrounded by the nuclear envelope (a double membrane)
    • Nuclear pores allow exchange with the cytoplasm
    • Contains one or more nucleoli → make ribosomes
    Eukaryotic DNA → associated with histone proteins to form chromatin
    linear and arranged into chromosomes
  • Mitochondria
    • Site of aerobic respiration
    • Surrounded by a double membrane → the space between the membranes is the intermembrane space
    • Inner membrane is folded → folds are called cristae
    • Contain circular DNA and 70S ribosomes
    • Inner fluid is called the matrix
  • Chloroplasts
    • Site of photosynthesis
    • Surrounded by the chloroplast envelope
    Thylakoid membranes are stacked into grana
    • Contain circular DNA and 70S ribosomes
    • Contain starch grains
    → stores glucose made in photosynthesis
    • Inner fluid is called the stroma
  • mooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)
    Synthesises and processes lipids
    Network of membranes containing fluid
  • Plant cell vacuole
    • Surrounded by a membrane called the tonoplast
    • Contains cell sap
    • Helps to keep plant cells rigid
  • Lysosomes
    • A type of Golgi vesicle produced by the Golgi apparatus
    • A ball of membrane containing lysozymes
  • Ribosomes
    • Consist of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and protein
    • Made in the nucleolus
    • Site of translation
    • Found in the cytoplasm or on the RER
    Eukaryotic cells have larger 80S ribosomes,
    prokaryotic cells have smaller 70S ribosomes
  • Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
    • Network of membranes containing fluid
    • Membrane joins to the nuclear envelope
    • Surrounded by ribosomes
    • Produces and folds proteins
  • Golgi apparatus
    • Network of membranes containing fluid
    Modifies proteins → e.g. adds carbohydrates to proteins to produce glycoproteins
    Adds triglycerides to proteins in ileum epithelial cells and packages them into vesicles
    Packages proteins into secretory vesicles for transport to the plasma membrane and secretion by exocytosis
    • Makes lysosomes (a type of vesicle)
  • Centrioles
    • Made of protein microtubules
    • Involved in separation of chromosomes during mitosis
    • Not found in all plant cells
  • Cilla and eukaryotic flagella
    • Made of protein microtubules in the 9+2 formation
    Microtubules can contract to allow movement
  • Production and secretion of proteins
    1)Ribosomes associated with the RER synthesise a polypeptide chain in translation.
    2) The polypeptide chain is folded and processed in the RER.
    3) The folded protein is transported to the Golgi apparatus in a transport vesicle.
    4) The protein is modified in the Golgi apparatus and packaged into a secretory vesicle.
    5) The secretory vesicle is transported to the plasma (cell-surface) membrane by moving along the cytoskeleton. This requires ATP.
    6) The secretory vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane and the protein is secreted by exocytosis
  • Cytoskeleton
    • A network of protein microtubules throughout the cytoplasm
    • Maintains the shape of the cell
    • Helps transport within cells e.g. moves organelles and vesicles around the cell
    • Enables cell movement e.g. moves cilia and flagella
    • Provides mechanical strength to cells
  • Prokaryotic cell structure
    • Simple single-celled organisms
    • Cytoplasm surrounded by three layers → plasma (cell-surface) membrane
    cell wall made of murein (also called peptidoglycan)
    • Single circular DNA loop → not associated with histone proteins
    → free in the cytoplasm
    • Do not contain membrane-bound organelles
    • Contain one or more plasmids → small loops of DNA
    • Can have one or more flagella for propulsion
    Pili help the cell to attach to other cells or surfaces